It is time to CLEAN HOUSE:
- Eradicate the false belief that our freedoms and liberties come from our government. They come from GOD and that is why they are unalienable/can never be taken away. Thank God, that is true or Orwells' 1984 would become reality.
- Eradicate Critical Race Theory in schools and the workplace. Blame nobody for your lack of ambition but yourself. If Lincoln could get his law degree studying in a log cabin by candlelight, you can achieve anything you put your mind to. Want it.
- Eradicate all questions about race, gender, pronouns, deference to any ethnic background on job applications. If we want equality, we must stop having applications that ask irrelevant questions, other than SKILLS.
- Eradicate censorship of conservatives on social media and in the news with a punishing fine. Censorship is an illness that has infected our free and open society. Do not be politically correct, be perfectly candid. PC was created to silence dissenters. It is a term created by a communist dictator to China called Mao.
- Eradicate the globalist NWO mindset; call it what it is: Dishonor of Homeland. Return to Patriotism and Nationalism. Start nation building right on US soil first. Stop remaking other countries in our image.
- Eradicate "white guilt." My great grandfather was only ten at the time of the Civil War and when he arrived in the USA from Sicily as man, he bought eight city blocks and put a vegetable garden on it and SHARED with those in trouble during the Great Depression. I have no guilt; nor do my ancestors.
- Eradicate transgenderism push in public schools. Once your child has a sex change they will never be parents. Surgery makes them sterile. The goal of the WEF is to have your child be the final generation of humans on the planet; don't help them do it.
- Eradicate the CRISPR "change-the-human-genome" project. It is amoral to cut up a fetus [vivisection] and use parts for medical experimentation. Our bioethicists have gone mute or been paid off. That does not make it kosher.
- Eradicate the cashless society mindset. Every nation should have its own currency. We do not need to create a new one-world money so the top 1%ers can engage in even bigger "too big to fail" Ponzi schemes. We need a new American money based on gold and silver not algorithyms and a printing press.
- Eradicate woke-ism in the military. You focus is to learn how to protect and defend. For all intensive purposes, those in the military should be single, celibate, not get pregnant during service, not have family that can be left behind. Married people should stay home and raise their family.
- Eradicate debt caused by bankers and credit card companies. Let 2023 be the YEAR OF JUBILEE and total debt forgiveness. Abolish the IRS. Eliminate the Federal Fraudulent Reserve.
- Eradicate Digital ID, vaccine passports and any attempt to chip people to track their medical history. Medical privacy must be reinstated. We don't need CEOs taking out pauper policies on their employees, capitalizing on injury and death!
- Eradicate government control of school curriculum. That is illegal according to GEPA. No government agency can by law dictate what is taught in any public or private school. See GEPA Section 438: "Prohibition Against Federal Control of Education."
- Eradicate any attempt to alter the 2nd amendment; we have a right to protect ourselves from imminent threat, foreign and domestic, by lethal force, if necessary. Preserve "stand your ground."
- Eradicate climate change hysteria; it is a fake narrative to push AI technology owned by those in the WEF who stand to profit handsomely. Look up the Club of Rome who pulled this ideology from thin air and admits to the deception.
- Eradicate abortion on demand in the second and third trimester. Women can take the day after pill if raped; women can have an amniocentesis within the FIRST trimester to see if a baby has two heads, no spine, severe abnormalities. There is no good reason to wait beyond ten weeks to kill one fully formed.
- Eradicate the WEF which is a secret society that makes decisions without running it by the people of each country first. Secret societies only benefit the attendees.
- Eradicate all attempts to take away property rights. Property is not a burden; it is the foundation of American society. I see no reason for those in the WEF to own all land and homes, making the masses into renters for life.
- Eradicate all attempts to end US energy independence with forced dependence on foreign oil.
- Eradicate all voting machines. Return to hand ballots that are marked and saved for recounts. All voting areas should have cameras rolling 24-7 until the last ballot is counted.
- Eradicate the "eat bugs" instead of meat, fish and chicken agenda that is part of BBB and the NWO. Close down the "insect industry" comprised of crickets and cockroach milk designed by the NIH and our very own FDA.
- Eradicate PPC and online ad tracking. What I view online is my own business. I don't want pre-selected ads sent my way, as if you are Big Brother constantly watching me. PPC is a nuisance like spam.
- Eradicate rapists, pedophiles and murderers. You took a life; you deserve the death penalty. Only in the case of self-defense is murder understandable.
- Eradicate "Sophia" the Stepford Wife. Dismantle her. There is something deeply disturbing about men that give her "citizenship" and consider her to be "life-like." She is an animatronic puppet or advanced form of blow up doll, nothing more.
- Eradicate the FDA, NIH, CDC who have made serious ethics violations via CRISPR, cloning, and chimeric virus creation. They have poisoned the populate with intention to maim.
- Eradicate all drug advertising online, in print, and on TV. The profit model must be crushed. Only the USA and New Zealand allow advertising; every other country figured out it ads to the cost and gives the drug companies too much influence to sway the narrative. Our MSM begins to depend upon their advertising dollars.