SATANISTS use good things given by GOD for evil purposes.
The Tree of Life was designed to keep us in balance, to balance male and female energies, and assertiveness with forcefulness. Kabbalists have turned the design on its side and made a CUBE, trying to replicate the Tree of Life. Their entire aim is to replace all of the good things God gave us with their own ungodly substitute. The Tree of Life is very much like the Chakra system, but you will not Kabbalists have turned it upside down to accommodate their LGBQTI+ transgender plans. Kabbalists have installed their CUBE at the site of 9/1l and it seems to be their favorite shape:
The Tree of Life was designed to keep us in balance, to balance male and female energies, and assertiveness with forcefulness. Kabbalists have turned the design on its side and made a CUBE, trying to replicate the Tree of Life. Their entire aim is to replace all of the good things God gave us with their own ungodly substitute. The Tree of Life is very much like the Chakra system, but you will not Kabbalists have turned it upside down to accommodate their LGBQTI+ transgender plans. Kabbalists have installed their CUBE at the site of 9/1l and it seems to be their favorite shape:
The Tree of Life is being used to amplify only severity and war-like behavior, to the exclusion of all other characteristics and qualities. The Tree of Life has been so severely pruned it has become a weapon, but it was never designed to be used for nefarious gain.
You see, the Tree of Life is an energy catalyst, used in the design of all of the major churches to heal, not to be used as an oracle into the future to find out if you will win a war or the next election. The heart chakra is usually where you will find the altar and calls to the altar heal the sick, cause the lame to walk, and restore the soul. Here is an example from Chartres Cathedral [to left].
The same energy catalyst is true of the chakra system; the real reason people pray is not to change God’s mind, but to become more in alignment with God’s will. Praying, chanting, saying the rosary, looking at a mandala, burning incense and sitting in silence—all try to get you out of a state of limitation, anger, stress and fear to restore balance. The chaka system was never designed to elevate fear, anger, hatred, violence, or demonic activity. But, it like the kabbalah, is being used for such.
You see, the Tree of Life is an energy catalyst, used in the design of all of the major churches to heal, not to be used as an oracle into the future to find out if you will win a war or the next election. The heart chakra is usually where you will find the altar and calls to the altar heal the sick, cause the lame to walk, and restore the soul. Here is an example from Chartres Cathedral [to left].
The same energy catalyst is true of the chakra system; the real reason people pray is not to change God’s mind, but to become more in alignment with God’s will. Praying, chanting, saying the rosary, looking at a mandala, burning incense and sitting in silence—all try to get you out of a state of limitation, anger, stress and fear to restore balance. The chaka system was never designed to elevate fear, anger, hatred, violence, or demonic activity. But, it like the kabbalah, is being used for such.
At your feet are the roots of the tree called Malchut, considered to be the entrance to the Kingdom within; moving up is the Yesod, or the sexual organs that permit you to leave a legacy. At your naval is the chakra for training in wise judgment, and opposite it is Hod, which gives you sufficient self-esteem to do the right thing even when it’s difficult. At the throat is Chesed where you find mercy and acceptance of others and opposite it is Gevurah, which reminds you that every act you take has repercussions. Tifereth is your heart, a place of insight and the location of beauty and love. The Chokmah and Binah work with the Holy Spirit at the crown of your head; they stand for two types of wisdom; male acquisition of knowledge called Chokmah is tempered by female Binah, known as Wisdom in the Old Testament.
All of these sephirah (also called chakras) make up the Kingdom of God within you. The goal is to climb the tree, progressing through the pathways, to unite your heart and soul with God’s will. The top of the tree is not more important than the bottom; the right side of the tree is not more important than the left or visa versa; you must try to achieve balance at every level to make progress in this all-important soul work.
Luke 11:36 says: “Therefore if your whole body is full of light and no part of it is dark, it will be completely lighted, as when the light of a lamp shines on you.”
I will say it a third time: unfortunately, those that want to live without God, arrogantly thinking they can replace God with artificial intelligence robots and altering our DNA to become immortal, use The Tree of Life to destroy humanity. Men have done this before, arrogantly trying to build the Tower of Babel.
God's plan was to have us combine receptivity and assertiveness, softness and firmness, feeling and clear thinking, and we not supposed to have to mutilate their bodies to achieve this. Those that want to reduce humans to hackable animals, as Noah Yuval Harari has stated, and are advocates of sex change surgery on children and teens, have missed the mark. It is INTERNAL BALANCE you are to achieve, not whittling away at body parts or applying heavy makeup to cover up a six o'clock shadow.
Advocates of the NWO have, with deliberate design and intention, turned the God-given Kabbalah and Chakra system UPSIDE DOWN and removed the Godhead entirely; notice there is no white for PURITY in the LGBQT flag. The reversal of colors was intentional. Topsy turvy values needed a topsy turvy flag.
The model for today's society comes from a little-known club that began in the UK called The Fabian Society, which combines Marxist lockstep to erase individual freedoms, advocates for gender bending to destroy the traditional family, pushes for "globalism" to diminish loyalty to one's own county, and erases God-given liberties. What remains in the aftermath is a Hitler-like allegiance to a ruling class called a kleptocracy.
All of these sephirah (also called chakras) make up the Kingdom of God within you. The goal is to climb the tree, progressing through the pathways, to unite your heart and soul with God’s will. The top of the tree is not more important than the bottom; the right side of the tree is not more important than the left or visa versa; you must try to achieve balance at every level to make progress in this all-important soul work.
Luke 11:36 says: “Therefore if your whole body is full of light and no part of it is dark, it will be completely lighted, as when the light of a lamp shines on you.”
I will say it a third time: unfortunately, those that want to live without God, arrogantly thinking they can replace God with artificial intelligence robots and altering our DNA to become immortal, use The Tree of Life to destroy humanity. Men have done this before, arrogantly trying to build the Tower of Babel.
God's plan was to have us combine receptivity and assertiveness, softness and firmness, feeling and clear thinking, and we not supposed to have to mutilate their bodies to achieve this. Those that want to reduce humans to hackable animals, as Noah Yuval Harari has stated, and are advocates of sex change surgery on children and teens, have missed the mark. It is INTERNAL BALANCE you are to achieve, not whittling away at body parts or applying heavy makeup to cover up a six o'clock shadow.
Advocates of the NWO have, with deliberate design and intention, turned the God-given Kabbalah and Chakra system UPSIDE DOWN and removed the Godhead entirely; notice there is no white for PURITY in the LGBQT flag. The reversal of colors was intentional. Topsy turvy values needed a topsy turvy flag.
The model for today's society comes from a little-known club that began in the UK called The Fabian Society, which combines Marxist lockstep to erase individual freedoms, advocates for gender bending to destroy the traditional family, pushes for "globalism" to diminish loyalty to one's own county, and erases God-given liberties. What remains in the aftermath is a Hitler-like allegiance to a ruling class called a kleptocracy.
Biblical principles state there are two genders—male and female—complementary, not duplicates, and not interchangeable. It is clear to any who have studied the Bible and read it for themselves —vs. those who sit in a pew and hear bits and pieces once a week in a sermon—that our world is imbalanced due to gender bending, cross dressing, gender surgery mutiliation, race baiting which is now called CRT, child sex trafficking and pedophilia.
Jesus was NOT accepting of all people's views; he told many to "go and sin no more" and "pick up your bed and walk"; he called rabbis vipers and took the time to braid a whip to teach them a lesson on charity. Jesus healed those willing to change but ruthlessly told the dead in spirit to bury the dead in flesh. In addition, when the apostles were under persecution, he told them to sell their second cloak and buy a dagger, for knew with his ideology he would soon be captured and would not be able to resurrect them, as he had with Lazarus. If you do not know these things, buy a copy of the King James Bible
Jesus was NOT accepting of all people's views; he told many to "go and sin no more" and "pick up your bed and walk"; he called rabbis vipers and took the time to braid a whip to teach them a lesson on charity. Jesus healed those willing to change but ruthlessly told the dead in spirit to bury the dead in flesh. In addition, when the apostles were under persecution, he told them to sell their second cloak and buy a dagger, for knew with his ideology he would soon be captured and would not be able to resurrect them, as he had with Lazarus. If you do not know these things, buy a copy of the King James Bible
Until 2019, North Carolina allowed marriage as early as age FOURTEEN and several counties were deluged with non-residents rushing to the state to marry underaged girls; imagine that, age fourteen and forced to play adult.
Child marriage takes away innocence too soon and the girl's body is torn, bleeds, and hemorrages repeatedly. We must fight to ensure that MAPS [minor attracted people] continue to be charged with the crime of pedophilila. We must not allow abnormal behavior to be normalized.
Child marriage takes away innocence too soon and the girl's body is torn, bleeds, and hemorrages repeatedly. We must fight to ensure that MAPS [minor attracted people] continue to be charged with the crime of pedophilila. We must not allow abnormal behavior to be normalized.