A tongue sticking out is a reference to sex with children. There is nothing sexy about it. It is PERVERSE.
Smack dab between France and Switzerland sits the Hadron Collider--man's second tower of Babel--an attempt to recreate the BIG BANG. I suppose this activity gives both the scientists and engineers involved the false impression they can play God better than God. Their plan is to open the portals to other worlds, on other planets, in addition to other dimensions, including HELL. It has never once occurred to these multi-degreed "I am the science" men...that they are dancing with destruction. They are drunk on EGO. In fact, there are a group of scientists at the Hadron Collider who have done the Shiva "dance of destruction" on the rooftop, complete with mock sacrifice. "The Large Hadron Collider is ready to once again start delivering proton collisions to experiments, this time at an unprecedented energy of 13.6 TeV" says the EU website with scheduled start up in July 2022.
In the quest to hack DNA and dark matter, they are opening portals to dark forces that behave in demonic manner--snatching children and caging them.Still, the scientists and engineers continue on, hellbent on "creative destruction" for their egos will not allow them to stop. They have exhibited the same reckless abandon making deadly viruses and AI babies via CRISPR in faux mechanical "wombs."
To restate, we have THREE looming dangers on the horizon that no one in our news dares to broach, for very wealthy people are backing this "creative destruction" venture:
1. Virus tampering: Chimeric, runaway viruses are being created as biowarfare weapons to be used on an unwitting populate for the purpose of depopulation.
2. DNA tampering: Rosalind Franklin discovered the DNA helix; Jennifer Doudna discovered how to repair broken DNA via CRISPR [solving spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, etc] but wicked men have taken their ideas and used them to make monsters, creatures that are half human and half animal. Blasphemous abominations.
3. BIG BANG Games: Men are attempting to recreate the creation of earth forgetting the earth was first barren and will return to being barren if they "succeed."
In the quest to hack DNA and dark matter, they are opening portals to dark forces that behave in demonic manner--snatching children and caging them.Still, the scientists and engineers continue on, hellbent on "creative destruction" for their egos will not allow them to stop. They have exhibited the same reckless abandon making deadly viruses and AI babies via CRISPR in faux mechanical "wombs."
To restate, we have THREE looming dangers on the horizon that no one in our news dares to broach, for very wealthy people are backing this "creative destruction" venture:
1. Virus tampering: Chimeric, runaway viruses are being created as biowarfare weapons to be used on an unwitting populate for the purpose of depopulation.
2. DNA tampering: Rosalind Franklin discovered the DNA helix; Jennifer Doudna discovered how to repair broken DNA via CRISPR [solving spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, etc] but wicked men have taken their ideas and used them to make monsters, creatures that are half human and half animal. Blasphemous abominations.
3. BIG BANG Games: Men are attempting to recreate the creation of earth forgetting the earth was first barren and will return to being barren if they "succeed."
9.9 trillion degrees could melt a lot of icebergs, don’t cha think, Kerry? Gore? little Miss Greta Thunberg? https://www.theverge.com/2012/8/15/3244513/cern-scientist-hottest-man-made-temperature The Large Hadron Collider scientists at CERN claim to have created the hottest man-made temperature ever from smashing together lead ions to create a sizzling hot 'subatomic soup'; a plasma comprised of quarks and gluons. The final measurement could end up at about 5.5 trillion degrees Celsius (9.9 trillion degrees Fahrenheit).
Is that what you brainiacs at Davos are up to with your “creative destruction” plan?
We have all been fooled by Klaus Schwab and Al Gore, who take walking orders from the Committee of 300 transgendered men. The "climate change" mantra is chanted just to push industries these few men will profit from. If they really wanted to stop global warming they would stop jetting around to talk about it; they'd Zoom, wouldn't they? In addition, we are all forgetting that CERN collider between France and Switzerland, where scientists dance to honor SHIVA, goddess of DESTRUCTION, to "build back better."
Learn more about dark matter here: http://www.stolenelectionnovella.com/the-black-gold-project.html
Learn more about the CIA hideout near the Cern Collider:
Most people do not know there are particle colliders in the USA, as well, which pose a danger:
Why is everything we learn about the CERN related to opening up other dimensions, all demonic?
Learn more about dark matter here: http://www.stolenelectionnovella.com/the-black-gold-project.html
Learn more about the CIA hideout near the Cern Collider:
Most people do not know there are particle colliders in the USA, as well, which pose a danger:
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee
- Florida State has a program to work at the CERN
- Waxahachie, Texas
- Fermi Lab has a Tevatron in Illinois
- NY has the RHIC, a Relatavistic Hadron Collider, which "probes protons" and is a part of the Brookhaven National Lab
Why is everything we learn about the CERN related to opening up other dimensions, all demonic?