Leslie Manookian Testimony for the Grand Jury ( on killing of elderly and deliberate destruction of economy to further Agenda 2030 by the WEF New World Order.
1. We will never forget how the Obama + Biden adminstration engaged in spying on the American people and then did a data dump right before Trump took office, causing all Americans to panic as their data was blown wide open to criminals. We will never forget how Obama allowed John Koskien to lie to Congress about IRS spying on Tea Party candidates; 700,000 American citizens had their social security number compromised.
2. We will never forget Fast and Furious in 2008-2010 under Obama + Biden adminstration, where 2,500 arms were purposefully sold to drug cartels to "see where the guns went." The criminals came back over the border with the guns and raped and murdered Americans with Obama's guns. We will never forget how the three men who supervised this program [McMahon, Voth and Newell] got a promotion afterwards! We will not forget Obama's Catch and Release program in 2013 for illegal aliens either.
3.We will never forget that, thanks to the Obama + Biden adminstration, it is perfectly legal for the media to purposefully lie to the American people. He quietly signed into law HR 4310 in 2012, allowing propaganda to be used on the citizens of the USA by its own government, repealing the Smith-Mundt act of 1948 banning the use of domestic propaganda.
4.We will never forget the Summit of the Americas in Cartego, Columbia and how the Obama + Biden administration Secret Service hired TWENTY prostitutes. Dania Suarez even wrote a book about it.
5.We will never forget campaigning Obama who said he had concerns about vaccines causing autism: He backtracked that later with his plan for mandated adult immunization. By the end of his administration, Obama was 100% in favor of forced vaccination led by the National Guard. I call that tyrannical.
"We’ve seen just a skyrocketing autism rate. Nobody knows exactly why. There are some people who are suspicious that it’s connected to vaccines and triggers, but (pointing to his right) this person included... if we keep on seeing increases at the rate we're seeing we're never going to have enough money to provide all the special needs, special education funding that's going to be necessary."
6. We will never forget that covid 19 was planned under the Obama + Biden adminstration, and its release was acted out in a drama at Event 201 by key OBAMA administration officials, including biowarfare expert, April Haines. We will never forget that Event 201 was funded by the WEF, Bill Gates and Bloomberg Institute of Health. We will never forget that this meeting was an act of pre-meditated murder and genocide, with the China CDC, WHO, UN, NIH present and took place on October 18. 2019. We will never forget that two subordinates of Dr. Anthony Fauci raised concerns in May of 2016 [Jenny Greer and Erik Stemmy] and their voices were silenced and this deadly GOF project went on despite a US moratorium and was moved to China.
7. We will never forget that the Obama + Biden adminstration is the party that planned genocide by virus and vaccine:
(a) Obama Predicts:
(b) Haines Predicts:
(c) A winner is picked by Biden to profit—Pfizer.
(d) Eco Health's admission to GOF study:
(e) Playacting with actors the breakdown of our country industry by industry with only Obama-Biden administration and pro-reset WEF members present: Event 201: October 18, 2019 in New York City:
(f): We will never forget Bill Gates "Innovation to Zero" speech at Ted TV in which he cavalierly talked about the genocide of 1.05 million people.
(g): We will never forget the facts surrounding who made it first and where: the NIH +UNC-Chapel Hill are implicated:
8. We will never forget how the Obama + Biden adminstration made children sexual beings in 2010 to open the door for MAPS, minor-attracted persons to commit sodomy and pedophilia. One hundred and seventy-six abstinence programs were defunded in that year. In Helena, Montana, fifth graders were taught that “sexual intercourse includes, but is not limited to, vaginal, oral and anal penetration.” All grades were taught that marriage was a commitment between two people, not a man and a woman, and sixth graders were taught that sexual intercourse included “the penis, fingers, tongue and objects.” There is no point in denying it happened; here is the proof!
9. We will never forget how Hillary Clinton refused to address the many security risks and terrorist attacks at Benghazi in 2012 and caused needless deaths to patriots. They had to buy their own ticket home and arrange their own flights back. She was 100% at fault.
10. We will never forget how Hillary Clinton sold 20% of US Uranium, got $145 million for her foundation, then turned around and created a fake Russian Dossier to shift blame to Trump. We will never forget how she used bleachbit to destroy emails on a private server to cover her digital tracks and how some of those emails implicate Anthony Weiner as well.
11. We will never forget how Nancy Pelosi destroyed family terms: mother, father, son and daughter to embrace New World Order transgenderism and gender fluidity. We will never forget how job applications were changed to ask if you were an "it" or "they" at her beckoning: We will never forget the new discriminatory hiring practices begun to favor the "woke" and how "inclusivity and diversity" did not include Christian conservatives any longer. We will never forget the flagrant Marxist intention to undermine faith and replace it with compliance to CCP lockstep.
12. We will never EVER forget how Adam Schiff gaveled all who questioned the fake dossier into silence and yet has skeletons in his own closet including his ties to pedophile Ed Buck and the nerve it must take for him to be critical of anyone else's MORALS:
(a) We will never forget Adam Schiff's raw treatment of Elise Stefanik and his determination to censor all opposing viewpoints: Women everywhere should be outraged that he spoke over her like a Nazi dictator.
(b) We will never forget that Adam Schiff undermined the US election process and said on national TV that the American people cannot be trusted to support the Dem Agenda, so Democrats have to make up their minds for them. Schiff said, "...we are here today to consider a much more grave matter and that is an attempt to use the powers of the presidency to cheat in an election. For precisely this reason, the president’s misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won."
13. We will never forget how Joe Biden did not come out of his basement and did not meet with the public prior to being elected. We will never forget how he refused to answer questions from reporters and appeared on many occasions to be parroting a script read to him via an earpiece by Barak or Klaus Schwab or the CFR who laughest their asses off over his quid pro quo: We will never forget how Joe got lost in the middle of a sentence and could not recover his train of thought and inserted homonyms [words that sound similar with different meanings]; I guess the volume was down too low or he spotted a CHILD to SNIFF?
14. We will never forget the many Democrats who egged on violence, as is shown in this video, starting with Nancy Pelosi and how rioting, looting and arson prevailed from coast to coast in 2020 and 2021 and Democrats called it "peaceful demonstration." We will never forget their release of criminals back on the street and the many young women and children senselessly killed by murderers.
15. We will never forget that Biden went to the WEF and said he was a New World Order guy in favor of a globalist model that “levels the playing field” and diminishes the USA's role as a superpower and elevates the CCP instead: We didn't know then he was talking about ROCKEFELLER's PROJECT LOCKSTEP, but we certainly do now!
16. We will never forget how Californians probably at the behest of PELOSI tried to execute Trump in effigy and the fact our US news did not and continues to refuse to report it! When do we get to do the same to her?
17.We will never forget that the Logan Act has been repeatedly broken by Al Gore and Bill Gates, Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney, and many US members of Congress who are globalists and not really Americans; they have pushed us into a false "climate change" model that includes depopulation by virus and vaccine. We will never forget that many belong to secret societies like the Order of Malta, the Fabian Society and the Club of Rome and only push climate change to FURTHER INDUSTRIES THEY ARE INVESTED IN PERSONALLY:
18. We will never forget how Nancy Pelosi ripped up the State of the Union Address out of spite, making little tears in it in advance like a petulant spoiled brat, with total lack of respect for the office of President, nor her showing us her expensive gelato during economic hardship for 99% of the American people who were forced to be under lockdown—a lockdown she herself did not obey.
19. We will never forget how Democrats destroyed our faith in the election process by rigging the 2020 election to start their "Great Reset" which is anything but. It is the GROSSEST of GROSS REGRETS: and altered votes at 3 am, covering up windows, throwing ballots onto the side of roads, dumping ballots in the middle of the desert, acting like third world thugs initiating a dictatorship.
20.We will never forget that Hillary Clinton compromised national security by having Brian Pagliano set up a PRIVATE SERVER for government business. We will not forget that she redacted and bleachbit data. We will not forget that Pagliano walks free today and obstructed justice. We will never forget the secret file Anthony Weiner set up with dirt on Hillary either, nor the dirt on the Obama-Biden-Clinton administration related to children used for sexual hospitality/abuse amongst rich men that Lin Wood exposed, bought and sold like chattel:
21. We will never forget that Cheryl Mills who worked for Clinton thwarted a thorough investigation of Benghazi and even told the military to wear civilian clothes, so the US would not look like failures in the news. She sent out Deep State "minders" to control the narrative.
22. We will never forget how Joe Biden invited illegal aliens to flood our borders during COVID to increase the number of people on social services and flip our country into a Marxist model. FACT: The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 made it a federal crime for non-citizens to vote in national elections and classified any unlawful voting by non-citizens (in local, state, and national elections) as a deportable offense.
23. We will never forget how FBI Director Comey and DNI James Clapper coluded with CNN to release Hilary's fake "dossier." PLUS, Hillary Clinton made a up a second lie she pandered to the CIA that Trump was linked to Alfa Bank. BOTH have been proved to be pure fiction. BOTH impacted the 2020 election. He has destroyed all faith in the FBI, DOJ. He has utterly RUINED the department.
24.We will never forget that it was Bill Clinton that pushed for homes with balloon mortgages to people who could not afford them, and allowed the mortgage crisis of 2008 to come into being...nor how Biden and Obama gave banks no more than a wimpy slap on the hand and "solved the problem" by allowing foreigners to snap up US properties with just a $50K investment. Iceland had the right idea on how to handle bankers with Ponzi schemes like these: The Clinton-Obama-Biden regimes have done nothing but take from the poor and give to the rich in OTHER COUNTRIES!
25. We will never forget how Democrats have used race baiting to divide the country and we know it was done by the UN and WEF to divide people, separate them with masks and "social distancing" so they could not discuss all of the above, but primarily the COUP on our national sovereignty started by the Davos Men. We recognize CRT, BLM for what they are--diversions, so the globalists can divide and conquer. We refuse to accept our society is inherently racist, not with over FIFTY YEARS of advantages given to those of color.
26.We will never forget that Democrats and globalist investors push hard for late term abortions so they can create ungodly freaks called "chimeras." We will never forget that baby organs are culled in the 20th week from women who are called kinky breeders, and the organs are dissected while the fetus is YET ALIVE.. No, we will never forgive not forget abortionists and their flagrant disregard for human life and their program called CRISPR, which thinks it can make a better human being than God and babies in artificial wombs so gay men can PRETEND they are women!
27. We will never forget that TORIA [Victoria] NULAND, the same one who promoted the Iraq War, has stated on record that in 2014, she engineered a COUP on Ukraine in the name of democracy. Senator Rubio asked her if Ukraine has chemical or biological weapons...and her response was: "Ukraine has a biological research facilities [TWENTY-SIX in all]; we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach." So, publicly Democrats deny Ukraine has biological research facilities, and say "Russian Propaganda"...but privately they say before Congress: "whatever they are doing in those labs is so dangerous and so scary" we have to stop it escaping. Victoria Nuland: Those qui pro quo's in UKRAINE were to force biolabs in Putin's backyard.
28. We will never forget how Jamie Raskin took great DELIGHT in building up the Russian Collusion lie and was wildly dramatic in his presentation at the bogus Trump impeachment trial. A little know fact about Jamie is that his father, Marcus, was the head of the IPS [Institute for Policy Studies] a branch of the Tavistock Institute, "whose intention is to engender strife and unrest and spread chaos like a wildfire out of control, proliferating the "ideals" of the left wing nihilistic socialism, support unrestricted use of drugs of all types and be the big stick with which to beat the US political establishment."[Source: The Committee of 300 by John Coleman] See my page titled Bilderbergers and Committee of 300 Who Hate Democracy. In 1978, Marcus Raskin sponsored an IPS budget study in which he called for a socialist housing program to replace private housing and mortgage markets...a national health service so you no longer have control over your healthcare decisions...and radical changes in the US education system that would disrupt parental control and independent choices. Oh, the IRONY!
29. We will never forget how Fauci was given the greenlight to hide this involvement with the CCP and destroy documents:
30. We will NEVER forget that Obama said in 2008 to a woman who asked how he knew he would win: "It helps that Dems are in charge of the machines." Source: Women and Economy, Kent State University, New Philadelphia, Ohio :
31. We will never forget that Obama is actually from Kenya and his own brother sent the world his birth certificate. His mother and grandmother worked for the CIA and he was a CIA-installed puppet.
2. We will never forget Fast and Furious in 2008-2010 under Obama + Biden adminstration, where 2,500 arms were purposefully sold to drug cartels to "see where the guns went." The criminals came back over the border with the guns and raped and murdered Americans with Obama's guns. We will never forget how the three men who supervised this program [McMahon, Voth and Newell] got a promotion afterwards! We will not forget Obama's Catch and Release program in 2013 for illegal aliens either.
3.We will never forget that, thanks to the Obama + Biden adminstration, it is perfectly legal for the media to purposefully lie to the American people. He quietly signed into law HR 4310 in 2012, allowing propaganda to be used on the citizens of the USA by its own government, repealing the Smith-Mundt act of 1948 banning the use of domestic propaganda.
4.We will never forget the Summit of the Americas in Cartego, Columbia and how the Obama + Biden administration Secret Service hired TWENTY prostitutes. Dania Suarez even wrote a book about it.
5.We will never forget campaigning Obama who said he had concerns about vaccines causing autism: He backtracked that later with his plan for mandated adult immunization. By the end of his administration, Obama was 100% in favor of forced vaccination led by the National Guard. I call that tyrannical.
"We’ve seen just a skyrocketing autism rate. Nobody knows exactly why. There are some people who are suspicious that it’s connected to vaccines and triggers, but (pointing to his right) this person included... if we keep on seeing increases at the rate we're seeing we're never going to have enough money to provide all the special needs, special education funding that's going to be necessary."
6. We will never forget that covid 19 was planned under the Obama + Biden adminstration, and its release was acted out in a drama at Event 201 by key OBAMA administration officials, including biowarfare expert, April Haines. We will never forget that Event 201 was funded by the WEF, Bill Gates and Bloomberg Institute of Health. We will never forget that this meeting was an act of pre-meditated murder and genocide, with the China CDC, WHO, UN, NIH present and took place on October 18. 2019. We will never forget that two subordinates of Dr. Anthony Fauci raised concerns in May of 2016 [Jenny Greer and Erik Stemmy] and their voices were silenced and this deadly GOF project went on despite a US moratorium and was moved to China.
7. We will never forget that the Obama + Biden adminstration is the party that planned genocide by virus and vaccine:
(a) Obama Predicts:
(b) Haines Predicts:
(c) A winner is picked by Biden to profit—Pfizer.
(d) Eco Health's admission to GOF study:
(e) Playacting with actors the breakdown of our country industry by industry with only Obama-Biden administration and pro-reset WEF members present: Event 201: October 18, 2019 in New York City:
(f): We will never forget Bill Gates "Innovation to Zero" speech at Ted TV in which he cavalierly talked about the genocide of 1.05 million people.
(g): We will never forget the facts surrounding who made it first and where: the NIH +UNC-Chapel Hill are implicated:
8. We will never forget how the Obama + Biden adminstration made children sexual beings in 2010 to open the door for MAPS, minor-attracted persons to commit sodomy and pedophilia. One hundred and seventy-six abstinence programs were defunded in that year. In Helena, Montana, fifth graders were taught that “sexual intercourse includes, but is not limited to, vaginal, oral and anal penetration.” All grades were taught that marriage was a commitment between two people, not a man and a woman, and sixth graders were taught that sexual intercourse included “the penis, fingers, tongue and objects.” There is no point in denying it happened; here is the proof!
9. We will never forget how Hillary Clinton refused to address the many security risks and terrorist attacks at Benghazi in 2012 and caused needless deaths to patriots. They had to buy their own ticket home and arrange their own flights back. She was 100% at fault.
10. We will never forget how Hillary Clinton sold 20% of US Uranium, got $145 million for her foundation, then turned around and created a fake Russian Dossier to shift blame to Trump. We will never forget how she used bleachbit to destroy emails on a private server to cover her digital tracks and how some of those emails implicate Anthony Weiner as well.
11. We will never forget how Nancy Pelosi destroyed family terms: mother, father, son and daughter to embrace New World Order transgenderism and gender fluidity. We will never forget how job applications were changed to ask if you were an "it" or "they" at her beckoning: We will never forget the new discriminatory hiring practices begun to favor the "woke" and how "inclusivity and diversity" did not include Christian conservatives any longer. We will never forget the flagrant Marxist intention to undermine faith and replace it with compliance to CCP lockstep.
12. We will never EVER forget how Adam Schiff gaveled all who questioned the fake dossier into silence and yet has skeletons in his own closet including his ties to pedophile Ed Buck and the nerve it must take for him to be critical of anyone else's MORALS:
(a) We will never forget Adam Schiff's raw treatment of Elise Stefanik and his determination to censor all opposing viewpoints: Women everywhere should be outraged that he spoke over her like a Nazi dictator.
(b) We will never forget that Adam Schiff undermined the US election process and said on national TV that the American people cannot be trusted to support the Dem Agenda, so Democrats have to make up their minds for them. Schiff said, "...we are here today to consider a much more grave matter and that is an attempt to use the powers of the presidency to cheat in an election. For precisely this reason, the president’s misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won."
13. We will never forget how Joe Biden did not come out of his basement and did not meet with the public prior to being elected. We will never forget how he refused to answer questions from reporters and appeared on many occasions to be parroting a script read to him via an earpiece by Barak or Klaus Schwab or the CFR who laughest their asses off over his quid pro quo: We will never forget how Joe got lost in the middle of a sentence and could not recover his train of thought and inserted homonyms [words that sound similar with different meanings]; I guess the volume was down too low or he spotted a CHILD to SNIFF?
14. We will never forget the many Democrats who egged on violence, as is shown in this video, starting with Nancy Pelosi and how rioting, looting and arson prevailed from coast to coast in 2020 and 2021 and Democrats called it "peaceful demonstration." We will never forget their release of criminals back on the street and the many young women and children senselessly killed by murderers.
15. We will never forget that Biden went to the WEF and said he was a New World Order guy in favor of a globalist model that “levels the playing field” and diminishes the USA's role as a superpower and elevates the CCP instead: We didn't know then he was talking about ROCKEFELLER's PROJECT LOCKSTEP, but we certainly do now!
16. We will never forget how Californians probably at the behest of PELOSI tried to execute Trump in effigy and the fact our US news did not and continues to refuse to report it! When do we get to do the same to her?
17.We will never forget that the Logan Act has been repeatedly broken by Al Gore and Bill Gates, Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney, and many US members of Congress who are globalists and not really Americans; they have pushed us into a false "climate change" model that includes depopulation by virus and vaccine. We will never forget that many belong to secret societies like the Order of Malta, the Fabian Society and the Club of Rome and only push climate change to FURTHER INDUSTRIES THEY ARE INVESTED IN PERSONALLY:
18. We will never forget how Nancy Pelosi ripped up the State of the Union Address out of spite, making little tears in it in advance like a petulant spoiled brat, with total lack of respect for the office of President, nor her showing us her expensive gelato during economic hardship for 99% of the American people who were forced to be under lockdown—a lockdown she herself did not obey.
19. We will never forget how Democrats destroyed our faith in the election process by rigging the 2020 election to start their "Great Reset" which is anything but. It is the GROSSEST of GROSS REGRETS: and altered votes at 3 am, covering up windows, throwing ballots onto the side of roads, dumping ballots in the middle of the desert, acting like third world thugs initiating a dictatorship.
20.We will never forget that Hillary Clinton compromised national security by having Brian Pagliano set up a PRIVATE SERVER for government business. We will not forget that she redacted and bleachbit data. We will not forget that Pagliano walks free today and obstructed justice. We will never forget the secret file Anthony Weiner set up with dirt on Hillary either, nor the dirt on the Obama-Biden-Clinton administration related to children used for sexual hospitality/abuse amongst rich men that Lin Wood exposed, bought and sold like chattel:
21. We will never forget that Cheryl Mills who worked for Clinton thwarted a thorough investigation of Benghazi and even told the military to wear civilian clothes, so the US would not look like failures in the news. She sent out Deep State "minders" to control the narrative.
22. We will never forget how Joe Biden invited illegal aliens to flood our borders during COVID to increase the number of people on social services and flip our country into a Marxist model. FACT: The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 made it a federal crime for non-citizens to vote in national elections and classified any unlawful voting by non-citizens (in local, state, and national elections) as a deportable offense.
23. We will never forget how FBI Director Comey and DNI James Clapper coluded with CNN to release Hilary's fake "dossier." PLUS, Hillary Clinton made a up a second lie she pandered to the CIA that Trump was linked to Alfa Bank. BOTH have been proved to be pure fiction. BOTH impacted the 2020 election. He has destroyed all faith in the FBI, DOJ. He has utterly RUINED the department.
24.We will never forget that it was Bill Clinton that pushed for homes with balloon mortgages to people who could not afford them, and allowed the mortgage crisis of 2008 to come into being...nor how Biden and Obama gave banks no more than a wimpy slap on the hand and "solved the problem" by allowing foreigners to snap up US properties with just a $50K investment. Iceland had the right idea on how to handle bankers with Ponzi schemes like these: The Clinton-Obama-Biden regimes have done nothing but take from the poor and give to the rich in OTHER COUNTRIES!
25. We will never forget how Democrats have used race baiting to divide the country and we know it was done by the UN and WEF to divide people, separate them with masks and "social distancing" so they could not discuss all of the above, but primarily the COUP on our national sovereignty started by the Davos Men. We recognize CRT, BLM for what they are--diversions, so the globalists can divide and conquer. We refuse to accept our society is inherently racist, not with over FIFTY YEARS of advantages given to those of color.
26.We will never forget that Democrats and globalist investors push hard for late term abortions so they can create ungodly freaks called "chimeras." We will never forget that baby organs are culled in the 20th week from women who are called kinky breeders, and the organs are dissected while the fetus is YET ALIVE.. No, we will never forgive not forget abortionists and their flagrant disregard for human life and their program called CRISPR, which thinks it can make a better human being than God and babies in artificial wombs so gay men can PRETEND they are women!
27. We will never forget that TORIA [Victoria] NULAND, the same one who promoted the Iraq War, has stated on record that in 2014, she engineered a COUP on Ukraine in the name of democracy. Senator Rubio asked her if Ukraine has chemical or biological weapons...and her response was: "Ukraine has a biological research facilities [TWENTY-SIX in all]; we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach." So, publicly Democrats deny Ukraine has biological research facilities, and say "Russian Propaganda"...but privately they say before Congress: "whatever they are doing in those labs is so dangerous and so scary" we have to stop it escaping. Victoria Nuland: Those qui pro quo's in UKRAINE were to force biolabs in Putin's backyard.
28. We will never forget how Jamie Raskin took great DELIGHT in building up the Russian Collusion lie and was wildly dramatic in his presentation at the bogus Trump impeachment trial. A little know fact about Jamie is that his father, Marcus, was the head of the IPS [Institute for Policy Studies] a branch of the Tavistock Institute, "whose intention is to engender strife and unrest and spread chaos like a wildfire out of control, proliferating the "ideals" of the left wing nihilistic socialism, support unrestricted use of drugs of all types and be the big stick with which to beat the US political establishment."[Source: The Committee of 300 by John Coleman] See my page titled Bilderbergers and Committee of 300 Who Hate Democracy. In 1978, Marcus Raskin sponsored an IPS budget study in which he called for a socialist housing program to replace private housing and mortgage markets...a national health service so you no longer have control over your healthcare decisions...and radical changes in the US education system that would disrupt parental control and independent choices. Oh, the IRONY!
29. We will never forget how Fauci was given the greenlight to hide this involvement with the CCP and destroy documents:
30. We will NEVER forget that Obama said in 2008 to a woman who asked how he knew he would win: "It helps that Dems are in charge of the machines." Source: Women and Economy, Kent State University, New Philadelphia, Ohio :
31. We will never forget that Obama is actually from Kenya and his own brother sent the world his birth certificate. His mother and grandmother worked for the CIA and he was a CIA-installed puppet.
31. We will never forget the "set-up" by Dems with ANTIFA demonstrations and an ACTOR given the name of Floyd being "beaten" and a mannikin from 7 SIGMA used for the "killing." An attorney who actually knew George Floyd said he died many years previous: "They can't even use a real guy," he said. Let us not forget that Nancy Pelosi thanked George Floyd for "sacrificing his life." If it was taken, why did she do that? I think Pelosi did that because he was a paid actor,who now has to go into hiding for the rest of his life, to keep this sick story going. The 7 Sigma Company that makes mannikins in Minnesota burst into spontanesous combustion during the same time period.
The 7 Sigma Company that makes mannikins in Minnesota burst into "spontanesous combustion" during the same time period or an act of cover-up ARSON was committed.
You Can Support My Work Here: USNEWSUNCENSORED
This website is dedicated to the MEMORY of all of the men, women and children who were struck down in the prime of life by a man-made biowarfare weapon called covid and its equally terrible mRNA "vaccine."
"Though the wicked spring up like grass and all evildoers flourish, they will be forever destroyed" Psalm 92:7