He is the "little horn"--Trump-ette.
He is an INSIDER to Hollywood, an INSIDER to the adrenochrome industry. He has ties to witchcraft, Freemasonry, Jesuit priests who are an offshoot of Catholicism, and Chabad Zionist and Talmudic Jews simultanously--all of whom are HEAVILY involved in child sex trafficking and pedophilia.
He is an INSIDER to Hollywood, an INSIDER to the adrenochrome industry. He has ties to witchcraft, Freemasonry, Jesuit priests who are an offshoot of Catholicism, and Chabad Zionist and Talmudic Jews simultanously--all of whom are HEAVILY involved in child sex trafficking and pedophilia.
To those who call Trump their "New King David"... I say:
He has had a harem of wives and he has worshipped false Gods, so you are correct.
He has had a harem of wives and he has worshipped false Gods, so you are correct.
For four years, we were pummelled with a LIE that "white hats" with Trump were "ridding the USA of pedophiles and adrenochrome users." Some MAGA even fell for the even more outrageous plot that JFK, Jr was returning via a space portal with Elvis, Michael Jackson, Marilyn Monroe, and Lady Diana...to rid the planet of grey aliens with Riccardo Bossi and Jaco in charge. The CIA, Q, In-Q-tel are really creative aren't they? They took suspension of disbelief to a whole new level of utter lunacy. And, the sad part is so many Christians are falling for it.
Listen to an interview with Susan Bradford. She talks about how the Rothschilds family used Donald Trump as a Trojan Horse to deceive Patriots.
Once recruited, Trump was compromised by debt, introduced to Jeffrey Epstein, and plugged into the national security apparatus.
Trump appeared to be taking down the so-called "Deep State" while actually helping to fortify it:
Once recruited, Trump was compromised by debt, introduced to Jeffrey Epstein, and plugged into the national security apparatus.
Trump appeared to be taking down the so-called "Deep State" while actually helping to fortify it:
He is an expansionist who sees construction projects everywhere, including ISRAEL. He is going to run roughshod over the Monroe Doctrine and try to annex Mexico and Canada, then Greenland.
It is true that God did choose male leaders who failed him greatly, denied him, embraced multiple foreign wives and foreign religions...but the thought that God would pick DJT who is a rapist and a pedophile to lead the charge in a drive for a resurgence of morality to Make America Great Again is more than a little stretch for me, and it should be for you too, if you have your thinking cap on! Elon is also trying to usher in a "Golden Era" where people can digitize their identity and "live forever."Have you not noticed both Trump and Elon make the Hook and Horns symbol for Satan?
Imminent Danger Posed by Zionists
A REPLICA of the Ark of the Covenant has been made and hidden at Maralago and I am certain Trump will bring it out in 2025 when he builds the Jewish Temple using Christian dollars, parade it in front of you, and demand your allegiance to him and it. https://www.jns.org/with-eyes-on-winning-war-building-third-jewish-temple-ark-replica-shown-in-jerusalem/ In all likelihood, the replica will have DEW weaponry inside or some DARPA-HAARP ability to make clouds.
A REPLICA of the Ark of the Covenant has been made and hidden at Maralago and I am certain Trump will bring it out in 2025 when he builds the Jewish Temple using Christian dollars, parade it in front of you, and demand your allegiance to him and it. https://www.jns.org/with-eyes-on-winning-war-building-third-jewish-temple-ark-replica-shown-in-jerusalem/ In all likelihood, the replica will have DEW weaponry inside or some DARPA-HAARP ability to make clouds.
There is no "tip of the spear"...there is only a CIA COUP to install a man who will do the bidding of the Zionists. They have convinced you to "sit back and eat popcorn" and "watch the show" as they disembowel our country and he installing the WEF right under your noses, even as you protest and say he puts America First. His delivery of pizza mocked those who know about Pizzagate and adrenochrome use by celebrities; his serving McDonalds is in reference to human meat sold to unsuspecting goyim.
"They had me in their homes...they introduced me to their CHILDREN...
and he introduced his to THEM....
they LOVED ME when I was a Democrat."
[Yes, we know and that is what worries us so.]
and he introduced his to THEM....
they LOVED ME when I was a Democrat."
[Yes, we know and that is what worries us so.]
The WWE owners and the WWE wrestlers are all men in drag. So explain to me how he is pro-woman.
Every product he has tried to sell for the past four years has been "golden" from his credit cards, to collector bills and shoes. In numerology the number 33 is Satanic. He even makes his face yellow on a daily basis to show his allegiance to Lucifer.
He is a Rothschild Man--a "man of many names," whose symbol is the goat. In the Old Testament, goats represent oppressors, wicked men, and demons.The Illuminati have turned GOAT into greatest of all time and MAGA which stands for magician into Make America Great Again; aren't they clever invertionists? Trump used the pseudonyms John Miller and John Barron to prime the pump for his business deals. These alter egos called potential clients and gave Trump glowing reviews.
"In 1987 Donald Trump purchased 93% of Resorts International, a CIA front founded by Crown Agents Allen Dulles and David Rockefeller as the Mary Carter Paint Company in the 1950’s. A year later Trump bought the Atlantic City, NJ Taj Mahal Casino from Resorts International, then beganbuying up other properties on the Atlantic City boardwalk. Soon Trump was tapped out and couldn’t make his debt payments. Enter Wilbur Ross, billionaire bond trader portrayed by the Illuminati financial media as an “independent investor”. In fact, in 1992 Ross was heading Rothschild Inc.’s bankruptcy advising team, which represented bondholders who were threatening to foreclose on Donald’s house of cards. Ross saw how Trump had the ability to sway masses of people, something certainly not missed by his bosses at Rothschild. So he struck a sweetheart bankruptcy deal for Trump, where he would relinquish a 50% stake in his Atlantic City, NJ Taj Mahal casino in return for better debt terms and a Presidency to be named later. The Trump brand would be used as a marketing & mind control tool.Rothschild and their City of London partners in crime, not only got a new East Coast money laundering center in Atlantic City. They now had their straw man Trump by the balls." from Page 29 of a 167 page whitepaper, Nephilim Crown 5 G Apocalypse" by Dean Henderson:
[His tax returns would have shown payoff's for court cases involving the rape of young women and his multiple failed construction projects.]
The King David Analogy is an "Estoteric" CIA PSYOP
Long before David was king, he was a rash soldier who threatened to destroy Abigail's village if she would not feed his men. Her husband, a nabal [which is another word for FOOL], refused to give David any aide. She is the one who brought out a feast and averted certain disaster at David's hand.As a king, David was "leaping and dancing before the Lord" in front of the servants, buck naked, when his first wife, married in his youth, chastized and mocked him for his lewd behavior. Why did Michal publicly embarass him in this manner? His entire kingdom was falling apart due to his tolerance for the Babylonian sacrifice religion. David's response to Michal was: "I will debase himself thus, and even more!" And, he definitely did...spying Bathsheba taking a bath, raping her and sending her husband to the front lines of battle to be one of the first killed. It is the prophet Nathan who finally puts a stop to David's lewd and criminal behavior. He called him out: “The thing that David had done displeased the Lord.” (2 Sam. 11:27). https://www.theologyofwork.org/old-testament/samuel-kings-chronicles-and-work/the-golden-age-of-the-monarchy-2-samuel-1-24-1-kings-1-11-1-chronicles-21-2/davids-successes-and-failures-as-king-2-samuel-1-24/davids-rape-of-bathsheba-and-murder-of-uriah-2-samuel-11-12
The "Estoteric" CIA is in charge of "fulfilling Biblical Prophecy"... when they are not engaging in child sex trafficking and drug trafficking. Imagine such audacity!
Long before David was king, he was a rash soldier who threatened to destroy Abigail's village if she would not feed his men. Her husband, a nabal [which is another word for FOOL], refused to give David any aide. She is the one who brought out a feast and averted certain disaster at David's hand.As a king, David was "leaping and dancing before the Lord" in front of the servants, buck naked, when his first wife, married in his youth, chastized and mocked him for his lewd behavior. Why did Michal publicly embarass him in this manner? His entire kingdom was falling apart due to his tolerance for the Babylonian sacrifice religion. David's response to Michal was: "I will debase himself thus, and even more!" And, he definitely did...spying Bathsheba taking a bath, raping her and sending her husband to the front lines of battle to be one of the first killed. It is the prophet Nathan who finally puts a stop to David's lewd and criminal behavior. He called him out: “The thing that David had done displeased the Lord.” (2 Sam. 11:27). https://www.theologyofwork.org/old-testament/samuel-kings-chronicles-and-work/the-golden-age-of-the-monarchy-2-samuel-1-24-1-kings-1-11-1-chronicles-21-2/davids-successes-and-failures-as-king-2-samuel-1-24/davids-rape-of-bathsheba-and-murder-of-uriah-2-samuel-11-12
The "Estoteric" CIA is in charge of "fulfilling Biblical Prophecy"... when they are not engaging in child sex trafficking and drug trafficking. Imagine such audacity!
Sue Arrigo witnessed and addressed multiple administrations that participated in pedophilia and the murder of children: https://hive.blog/whistleblowers/@ura-soul/the-whistleblowers-series-35-part-1-dr-sue-arrigo-us-gov-child-sex-slave-mind-control-survivor-on-horror-movie-level-crime-by-us
Real Estate, Places to Hide Assets, Places to Hide Moneylaundering. A "loss leader."
Trump Airline - defaulted on a $245 million loan, bankrupt.
Trump Casinos - defaulted on $3 billion in debt, bankrupt.
Trump Steaks -bankrupt after only two months.
Trump World Magazine - bankrupt after only two issues.
Trump Vodka- bankrupt.
Trump Travel - bankrupt after one year.
Trump Tower Tampa- never completed, bankrupt.
Trump International Hotel DC - defaulted on $5 million lien, foreclosed.
Trump Mortgage - defaulted on a $250K civil judgment, went bankrupt.
Trump University - closed by order of the court as fraudulent.
Trump Charity - closed by order of the court as fraudulent.
Truth Social - lost $4 billion since inception.
Satanic Symbols from DJT
He worships Apollyon, the fallen angel of the bottomless pit in the Book of Revelations, with ritual transvestism in his dearest and closest friends in music, wrestling, and the movie industry. Pictures of Apollyon cover his penthouse.
He worships Apollyon, the fallen angel of the bottomless pit in the Book of Revelations, with ritual transvestism in his dearest and closest friends in music, wrestling, and the movie industry. Pictures of Apollyon cover his penthouse.
Ronald Reagan was a former Hollywood star too, and member of the Bohemian Grove. He presided over child sacrifice events, according to Sue Arrigo. https://www.gailallen.com/theo/Secrets-of-the-CIA-Global-Sex-Slave-Industry-by-Dr-Sue-Arrigo.html When a parallel is made between Reagan and Trump, your hair should stand up on end. Mystery Babylong and the ritual to belong in Hollywood are well documented; there is a HIGH PRICE to FAME, called your soul.
An ITALIAN newspaper, La Voce Di New York, broke open the story of DJT w/topless underaged girls. Michael Wolff has additionally stated in his podcast that Epstein showed him the pictures when he was being interviewed for Fire and Fury. Speaking to journalist and co-host James Truman, Wolff said the pictures dated from the late 90s, and described how they showed Trump poolside at Epstein’s Palm Beach mansion, surrounded by the half-naked girls, and that “in some of the pictures, they’re sitting in his lap.” https://lavocedinewyork.com/en/news/2024/11/01/epstein-allegedly-showed-author-pictures-of-trump-with-topless-young-women/
The WORST thing you could do is to "TRUST the PLAN" made by In-Q-tel. It's a trap for Christians, just as driving across the USA to DC in the dead of winter at his beckoning for the January 6th debacle was his fault too. The compensation these Patriots receive should come DIRECTLY from his POCKET.
Brothel or "Modeling Agency"... you decide
Donald ran a "modeling agency" where young women were encouraged to keep old men company in order to "get ahead in business." He was a PIMP, nothing more, and where did he learn this trade? During the Klondike Gold Rush, Trump's grandfather moved to the Yukon and made his fortune by operating a restaurant and a BROTHEL FOR MINERS in Whitehorse.
Donald ran a "modeling agency" where young women were encouraged to keep old men company in order to "get ahead in business." He was a PIMP, nothing more, and where did he learn this trade? During the Klondike Gold Rush, Trump's grandfather moved to the Yukon and made his fortune by operating a restaurant and a BROTHEL FOR MINERS in Whitehorse.
In July, 2020, New Jersey U.S. District Court Judge Esther Salas was assigned to a lawsuit brought by Deutsche Bank investors. The suit alleged the bank failed to properly monitor "high-risk customers, including sex offenders Epstein and Trump."
Baal worship is very evident in his penthouse.
Donald said he would pick OPRAH as his VP. OPRAH! the same celebrity who was connected to rapist, John of God, Harvey Weinsten, and bought rape videos from Diddy "freakoff" parties.
Excerpt from The Guardian: By Lucy Osborne, Harry Davies and Stephanie Kirchgaessner. A special investigation
In the early 90s, Donald Trump judged the world’s biggest modelling competition - since hit by allegations of abuse. This is how the people who were there remember it. On 1 September 1991, a large private yacht cruised towards the Statue of Liberty. It was a clear, breezy evening, and from the upper deck of the Spirit of New York, a golden sunset could be seen glinting off the Manhattan skyline. Downstairs, a party was in flow. Scores of teenage girls in evening dresses and miniskirts, some as young as 14, danced under disco lights. It could have been a high school prom, were it not for the crowd of older men surrounding them.
As the evening wore on, some of the men – many old enough to be the girls’ fathers, or even grandfathers – joined them on the dancefloor, pressing themselves against the girls. One balding man in a suit wrapped his arms around two young models, leering into a film camera that was documenting the evening: “Can you get some beautiful women around me, please?”
The party aboard the Spirit of New York was one of several events that Donald Trump, then 45, attended with a group of 58 aspiring young models that September. They had travelled from around the world to compete in Elite’s Look of the Year competition, an annual event that had been running since 1983 and was already credited with launching the careers of Cindy Crawford, Helena Christensen and Stephanie Seymour. At stake was a life-changing prize: a $150,000 contract with the world’s then leading modelling agency, Elite Model Management, run by John Casablancas.
Trump was closely involved in Casablancas’s competition. In 1991, he was a headline sponsor, throwing open the Plaza, his lavish, chateau-style hotel overlooking Central Park, transforming it into the main venue and accommodating the young models. He was also one of its 10 judges.
In 1992, Trump hosted the competition again. On a similarly golden evening in early September that year, another group of contestants boarded the Spirit of New York, chartered for another Elite cruise. One of the girls on the boat was Shawna Lee, then a 14-year-old from a small town outside Toronto. She recalls how the contestants were encouraged to parade downstairs, one by one, and dance for Trump, Casablancas and others. Lee, an introverted teenager who loved to draw but hated school, was in New York for the first time. “A woman at the agency was pushing me,” she recalls. “I said to her, ‘I don’t see why me going down the stairs and dancing in front of those two has anything to do with me becoming a model. And she said, ‘No, you look great, take off your blazer and go and do it.’ So I walked down the stairs. I didn’t dance – I blew a kiss at them, spun around and walked away.”
Another contestant, who was 15 at the time, also remembers being asked to walk for Trump, Casablancas and other men on the boat in September 1992. She says an organiser told her that if she refused, she would be excluded from the competition. “I knew in my gut it wasn’t right,” she recalls. “This wasn’t being judged or part of the competition – it was for their entertainment.”
While Elite’s official brochure stated that contestants were aged between 14 and 24, all of those the Guardian has spoken to, competing in both years, were aged between 14 and 19. Some had come to New York with parents or chaperones in tow; others were alone. Many were away from their families for the first time. For them, the stakes were high, and the pressure to impress the judges great. As Casablancas had warned them at the outset of the competition, in a scene recorded by TV cameras: “You are going to be judged, constantly judged.”
(In 1991 and 1992, the Elite contest was filmed for a 60-minute glossy television special, featuring interviews and behind-the-scenes footage, and later screened on Fox – an early foray into reality TV.) Casablancas was a powerful figure in the industry, and to many of the new crop of would-be supermodels, this seemed an opportunity too good to miss.
Three decades on, a very different picture of the competition is beginning to emerge. Over the last six months, the Guardian has spoken to several dozen former Look of the Year contestants, as well as industry insiders, and obtained 12 hours of previously unseen, behind-the-scenes footage.
The stories we have heard suggest that Casablancas, and some of the men in his orbit, used the contest to engage in sexual relationships with vulnerable young models. Some of these allegations amount to sexual harassment, abuse or exploitation of teenage girls; others are more accurately described as rape.
The purpose of the Antichrist’s deception is to swindle many into believing that he is the savior and the one who should be worshiped. But, unlike the true Messiah, this beast’s deadly wound was only temporarily healed. He will later be killed and judged, while the true Christ will be victorious and establish His kingdom in righteousness..."
[SOURCE: https://www.gotquestions.org/fatal-wound-beast.html]
[SOURCE: https://www.gotquestions.org/fatal-wound-beast.html]
Official NASA documents confirm the plotting of a mass extermination event, designed for the American people:
Every time he sits down, he makes the Illuminati V for Vagina symbol. Every. Single. Time.
Gold, Demonology, Babylonian Canaanite Symbols Fill His Home

He prefers the term "DARK MAGA" which is a linked to magicians and the highest level of Freemasonry. He has no record of protecting women or children at any point in time, but considerable cases showing he is a rich man who has gone to court to hide rape with payoff's. https://theweek.com/donald-trump/655770/61-things-donald-trump-has-said-about-women
Trump asked is own wife, Marla Maples, to pose NAKED for a book on the Kabbalah. He picked the author of more than SIXTY self-help Illuminati books for the FEDERAL education board. Does that sound like a Christian man to you, or a conservative? https://www.contactmusic.com/donald-trump/news/trump.s-ex-wife-poses-naked-for-kabbalah
Are we to believe Trump "did not know" Indiana was a major hub for child sex trafficking with Pence smack dab in the middle of it?
All of the men in politics have rape charges against them; all of them are compromised.
Trump is making real estate deals with the same Saudi family listed in Epstein's Little Black Book. Isn't that nice? Nothing like keeping it all in the family.
The Saudis have put an office in New York City for the coming Manhattan Project.
What of that glowing recommendation Trump received from Witch and Luciferian, Marina Abramovic/ Abrama-WITCH? Why would she call Trump a master magician and top warlock if he wasn't one?
Did you know that CYM Corp. had an office in Trump Tower until the year 2020?
Here is the proof: https://www.bitchute.com/video/WA19OItCK5NE
Those who are active partipants in the Luciferian/Freemason Cabal reveal their wickedness before, during, and after committing Crimes Against Children and Humanity. They think it gives them CONSENT to that action if you don't resist.
Jessie Cerbotar, whose hides that her real name and is really Mary Ellevold, is doing the same. She revealed that children are commodity to the Satanic Community; they traffick in children, rape them to steal innocence and have power over their soul, and when they are "used up" they murder them, sell their organs, eat their organs, and make them into diamonds. She was groomed to be a Daughter of Darkness, an Illuminati Priestess: https://t.me/s/jessieczebotarexposed
She has tweeted "hundreds if not thousands of times" to Lucien Graves, the Satanic Temple Leader. saying things like: "You are always welcome to pop by and say hi, especially if your visiting the After School Satan Club in Nehalem." She says she gave a copy of her testimony to DJT and he took it to Maralago and THIS is the reason the FBI broke into his home. Here she is REVEALING the child sex trafficking trade our CIA and FBI have hidden and called a "national security risk" for DECADES.
Jessie Cerbotar, whose hides that her real name and is really Mary Ellevold, is doing the same. She revealed that children are commodity to the Satanic Community; they traffick in children, rape them to steal innocence and have power over their soul, and when they are "used up" they murder them, sell their organs, eat their organs, and make them into diamonds. She was groomed to be a Daughter of Darkness, an Illuminati Priestess: https://t.me/s/jessieczebotarexposed
She has tweeted "hundreds if not thousands of times" to Lucien Graves, the Satanic Temple Leader. saying things like: "You are always welcome to pop by and say hi, especially if your visiting the After School Satan Club in Nehalem." She says she gave a copy of her testimony to DJT and he took it to Maralago and THIS is the reason the FBI broke into his home. Here she is REVEALING the child sex trafficking trade our CIA and FBI have hidden and called a "national security risk" for DECADES.
Bernard exposes Zionist bankers who demand their workers engage in child sacrifice and traffick in children. He also mentions the Vatican and Mother Theresa's work, which we all though was to help children, but was actually to TRAFFIC in children for wealty pedophiles.

Trump worshipped Henry Kissinger...the very same Henry Kissinger who was a war criminal during Cambodia... the same Kissinger who conceived of the World Economic Forum at Harvard with Dr. Strangelove, Zbignew Brezinski, and the CIA in a meeting at Harvard... the same Kissinger who married a man and was attracted to young boys. Donald J. Trump called him a "great friend."
Their intent was to create a New International Economic Order (NIEO) and a North American Union, uniting Mexico, the USA, and Canada. This is where the OPEN BORDERS policy comes from!
Their intent was to create a New International Economic Order (NIEO) and a North American Union, uniting Mexico, the USA, and Canada. This is where the OPEN BORDERS policy comes from!
The very same people who gathered at Gloria Vanderbilt's home
to engage in WITCHCRAFT
attend the Al Smith Dinner.
Listen specifically to 38:35 - 40:57
So, explain to my WHY Trump demanded Kamala attend.
Do they all have to "stick together" and HIDE crimes against children?
to engage in WITCHCRAFT
attend the Al Smith Dinner.
Listen specifically to 38:35 - 40:57
So, explain to my WHY Trump demanded Kamala attend.
Do they all have to "stick together" and HIDE crimes against children?
WHITE WITCH Callista Gingrich is going to be in his cabinet; her ritual name is CLANDESTINE:
The very same CARDINAL who attended the AL SMITH dinners PRESIDED over these events:
Satanic Symbol from Elon too!
He has a fractured psyche, caused by childhood trauma that took place at the Vanderbilt mansion, says Ellevold in her affidavit. She says he read it and cried.
Elon's biographer witnessed him OFTEN flip into "demon mode": www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-biographer-walter-isaacson-demon-mode-twitter-tesla-spacex-2023-6
Here is Maye Musk, Elon's MOTHER, making the typical Luciferian 666 symbol with her hand, with a decidedly perverse take on beauty that is identical to MK-Ultra mind control.
Elon's biographer witnessed him OFTEN flip into "demon mode": www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-biographer-walter-isaacson-demon-mode-twitter-tesla-spacex-2023-6
Here is Maye Musk, Elon's MOTHER, making the typical Luciferian 666 symbol with her hand, with a decidedly perverse take on beauty that is identical to MK-Ultra mind control.
Trump's NY penthouse was used for the shooting of the film The Devil's Advocate, at Donald's request.
Drug Money Laundering...

narco-a-lago-money_laundering_at_the_trump_ocean_club_panama.pdf |
Ivanka is a Global Shaper Graduate, a follower of the WEF model, the same group that plotted genocide by virus and vaccine, sold adrenochrome at Davos, and put up an adrenochrome mural by a transgendered/transvestite artist in their dining room:
Here is Cindy McCain's admission that "everyone knew what Epstein was doing" and that would include all of Congress, those in the oval office, Pentagon, DOJ, CIA and FBI: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4849833/user-clip-cindy-mccain-epstein-al
Jeffrey Epstein's high-profile contacts included the Trump Family.
This is the very first Epstein List to be posted on Twitter...and many of these are the same people were given AWARDS that were hung around their neck by Joe Biden and Obama, for their child sex trafficking abilities. How SICK is that?
When Jeffrey Epstein found out in 2005 that he was being investigated by police for the sexual abuse of underage girls, he called Alan Dershowitz. Dershowitz was a member of Harvey Weinstein's defense team in 2018 and of President Donald Trump's defense team in his first impeachment trial.
Without a doubt, when it comes to protecting pedophiles, Alan Dershowitz is the guy to call!
Without a doubt, when it comes to protecting pedophiles, Alan Dershowitz is the guy to call!
Those in the Illuminati worship the inverted Marilyn Monroe.
The "Camelot" White House was never a slice of heaven for the women in it; they endured verbal abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse and eventually committed suicide to get out of playing their horrid roles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bhg0bvSzr-A
By his own admission, he was the "Father of the Vaccine" and WAR[p] S[p]EED which creates SNAKE-like clots:
Fauci is the US version of Dr. Mengele; he tested AIDS drugs on orphans in NYC! He removed puppies' tongues and put their heads in a box with sandfleas to be eaten alive! He directed all NIH gain-of-function biowarfare weapon making for depopulation! Fauci also worked on the making of adrenochrome, the patents and NIH articles now prove. Anyone with any common sense and desire to protect the American public would have known NOT to put him in charge, especially one who claims to have met with JRF, Jr. [John John] and discussed Bill Gates planned genocide. It was, after all, SPLASHED across the page of GEORGE who the main actors would be! And now he is again meeting with Bill Gates at Maralago to discuss the rollout of the NEXT PANDEMIC.
Fauci is the US version of Dr. Mengele; he tested AIDS drugs on orphans in NYC! He removed puppies' tongues and put their heads in a box with sandfleas to be eaten alive! He directed all NIH gain-of-function biowarfare weapon making for depopulation! Fauci also worked on the making of adrenochrome, the patents and NIH articles now prove. Anyone with any common sense and desire to protect the American public would have known NOT to put him in charge, especially one who claims to have met with JRF, Jr. [John John] and discussed Bill Gates planned genocide. It was, after all, SPLASHED across the page of GEORGE who the main actors would be! And now he is again meeting with Bill Gates at Maralago to discuss the rollout of the NEXT PANDEMIC.
"Billions will die in 2025 from heart related problems from the "mRNA" jabs made by the "Father of the Vaccine" and that is an incontestable FACT Obama, Biden & Trump... and all of Congress who funded FAUCI's GOF... will have to live with THAT on their conscience!"--Mrs. Ferreri
Secondly, Trump downplayed the threat to our health of both the virus and the hastily thrown together antidotes made by Pfizer and Moderna:https://rumble.com/vae5j3-president-trump-defends-downplaying-the-threat-of-covid-19.html
Thirdly, DJT sent BURR to North Carolina where the maker of covid at UNC-Chapel Hill named RALPH BARIC tried to reverse engineer a cure! Then BURR sold off massive amounts of stock, after meeting with an elite group called the Tarheel Circle, who got advance warning the public did not.
North Carolina, not China, made the virus and made the deadly cure at PFIZER in Sanford, NC and DJT knew that all along and yet said: "CHYNA, CHYNA, CHYNA" to distract you from the US-made bioweapon, which leaves them to make even more in the future, doesn't it?
Thirdly, DJT sent BURR to North Carolina where the maker of covid at UNC-Chapel Hill named RALPH BARIC tried to reverse engineer a cure! Then BURR sold off massive amounts of stock, after meeting with an elite group called the Tarheel Circle, who got advance warning the public did not.
North Carolina, not China, made the virus and made the deadly cure at PFIZER in Sanford, NC and DJT knew that all along and yet said: "CHYNA, CHYNA, CHYNA" to distract you from the US-made bioweapon, which leaves them to make even more in the future, doesn't it?
The Art of the DEAL = COERCION
In 2020, I was naive in that I yet trusted my government. Now I know they are of a mindset to unleash a biowarfare on the populace and I am jaded forever. I bought the MAGA hat; I flew the "DJT will return" in 2020 flag on my home, I purchased commemorative bucks and that gold credit card, and had a T-shirt with DJT riding a horse like John Wayne. Then, I investigated the man behind the PR image and I threw it all away. I went "down the rabbit hole" as they say and learned about crime syndicates that blackmail our politicians in disgusting acts with childen. I learned about the NIH's secret project with the CIA, making adrenochrome and child trafficking to the tune of 800,000 who go missing every year. I went from jaded to outraged, at that point. Then, I learned who all of these people were connected to, and all roads led straight to Donald J. Trump, who is skilled in the Art of the Deal, or should we really say, the Art of Coercion.