This is what I discovered about the "Sandy Hook Massacre":
The FEMA manual for the Sandy Hook FEMA drill was published in Fetzer's book.
- James Fetzer:
- Dark Outpost addressed it as well:
- James H. Fetzer:
- Eric Holder Pays State of CT:
Connecticut State Police $663,444
Town of Newtown $602,293
Town of Monroe $882,812
Partner Agencies* $296,836
On December 14, 2011, the day of the shooting, the crime scene reporter helicopters got a shot of 26 Christmas trees behind Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire Department. On December 15, the trees were said to be donated by a company in North Carolina for the 26 victims. (Twenty-six Sandy Hook memorial Christmas trees were there on the day of shooting par. 8)
Eric Holder was in Connecticut with Governer Dan Malloy annoucing Project Longevity, which provides new federal grant money to prevent gun violence on November 27, 2012
On May 11, 2013 a 28 member panel voted to tear down the Sandy Hook Elementary School and completely demolish the scene of this massacre. The school system then built a 57 million dollar school in its place. (Newtown task force approves demolition of Sandy Hook Elementary School.
CNN stated “Approximately 700 students were present” but there was never any footage of 500-700 faculty and students in a massive evacuation.
There were many instances that suggest the principle and teachers were playing this shooting up in previous months. For example: The principle of Sandy Hook tweeted this photo with the caption: “Safety first at Sandy Hook… it’s a beautiful day for our annual evacuation drill!”
But here's the real kicker...the victims got free homes, for being paid actors.