CFR globalists want North American Union
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
The key component in the globalist bid for world government has been its transcending nation states into regional governments, ending national sovereignty, then later, these into a world government. North America must one day be a single country commonly referred to as the North American Union, following the model used for the European Union. Americans must be made to accept open borders.
Three decades ago, I wrote a paper that outlined the process by which the European Union transcended first from the European Coal and Steel Community, to the European Economic Community, to the European Community, finally to the European Union. Never were the people told that the intended outcome -- unification -- was to slowly take away their sovereignty. The paper began with a call from General Dwight D. Eisenhower, a Council on Foreign Relations member, for "The United States of Europe" ("An Early Champion of Unity," U.S. News and World Report, Oct. 15, 1990, p. 65). I documented how the Marshall Plan money was handed out, not so much to prevent communism from making progress in Europe, as we had been told, but to consolidate Europe, first economically and then politically, into a single country.
I did not publish the paper; it seemed out of reach for most Americans at the time. Imagine telling people that a group of wealthy Wall Street elites, through the use of taxpayer money, largely financed the consolidation of Europe into a single country and planned the same for North America with the unification -- first economically, then politically -- of Canada, Mexico and the United States into a single country known as the North American Union, with a single currency called the "Amero" Dollar. Who would believe it until now?
I told my students 30 years ago that there would never be an effective deterrent to illegal immigration because the CFR -- from which all secretaries of state, U.N. ambassadors, Russian and Chinese ambassadors and a third of all presidential cabinets prior to 2016 were drawn -- is the nation's leading advocate for globalism. The CFR is clearly for open borders and transnational agreements. No major television, radio or national newspaper outlet yet identifies it by name; nevertheless, these mediums know it.
Extending amnesty in the Immigration Act of 1965 did not work because we did not seal the border. Instead, it encouraged more to come. When offered again by President Ronald Reagan in the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, with the promise that we would never need it again, I warned that, despite the promise to finally end illegal immigration, we would repeat this in the next generation. And we have. I make the same promise for 30 years from now. Those that have undue influence upon both the Democratic and Republican parties -- the globalist's CFR -- have no intention of actually sealing the border, thus its resisting President Trump's efforts to do so.
Centuries ago China built the Great Wall, to keep barbarians out, without bulldozers, giant trucks, cranes or any other heavy lifting and earth moving technologies that we have today. Globalists want regional government, and a wall inhibits this.
The truth is that the CFR wants a generation or two of illegal immigration to help Mexico gain some measure of economic parity with Canada and the United States before assimilation can be a reality. Illegals tend to send money home and often retire in Mexico. The CFR 2005 publication, "Building a North American Community," outlined "the groundwork for the free flow of people within North America."
The CFR seeks "cross-border traffic, travel and trade within North America." The featured article in the January/February 2004 issue of Foreign Affairs, the Council's principal publication, has author Jerome Corsi identifying NAFTA, the North America Free Trade Agreement, as being "the first draft of an economic constitution for North America."
This best explains the semi-secret meeting of George W. Bush in the somewhat obscure location of Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005, with Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin and Mexican President Vincente Fox to formulate the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America," popularly referred to as SPP. Two years later in Montebello, Quebec, Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper again came together with U.S. President George W. Bush. In that meeting, Fox News reporter Bret Baier asked each, "Can you say today that this is not a prelude to a North American Union, similar to a European Union?" None denied it ("Permanent Amnesty, Temporary Border," The New American, April 22, 2013, p.15).
The very controversial Bush planned superhighway running through the mid-west, allowing unrestricted use by both neighbors, could not then get liftoff, but succeeding president, Barack Obama, did support open borders, most notably by executive order, essentially refusing to deport children of those illegally entering the U.S. and transnational agreements, notably the Trans-Pacific Partnership, both of which undermine national sovereignty and strengthen regional governance.
The CFR plan to make illegal immigration legal remains in place as a major component of its larger plan to consolidate the three countries of North America and perhaps Central America into The North American Union. A physical wall is the best evidence of our remaining a sovereign country. Sadly, the 2018 federal budget denied border wall funding. So far, globalists remain in place to prevent a "real" wall ever becoming a reality.
Harold W. Pease, Ph.D., is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
The key component in the globalist bid for world government has been its transcending nation states into regional governments, ending national sovereignty, then later, these into a world government. North America must one day be a single country commonly referred to as the North American Union, following the model used for the European Union. Americans must be made to accept open borders.
Three decades ago, I wrote a paper that outlined the process by which the European Union transcended first from the European Coal and Steel Community, to the European Economic Community, to the European Community, finally to the European Union. Never were the people told that the intended outcome -- unification -- was to slowly take away their sovereignty. The paper began with a call from General Dwight D. Eisenhower, a Council on Foreign Relations member, for "The United States of Europe" ("An Early Champion of Unity," U.S. News and World Report, Oct. 15, 1990, p. 65). I documented how the Marshall Plan money was handed out, not so much to prevent communism from making progress in Europe, as we had been told, but to consolidate Europe, first economically and then politically, into a single country.
I did not publish the paper; it seemed out of reach for most Americans at the time. Imagine telling people that a group of wealthy Wall Street elites, through the use of taxpayer money, largely financed the consolidation of Europe into a single country and planned the same for North America with the unification -- first economically, then politically -- of Canada, Mexico and the United States into a single country known as the North American Union, with a single currency called the "Amero" Dollar. Who would believe it until now?
I told my students 30 years ago that there would never be an effective deterrent to illegal immigration because the CFR -- from which all secretaries of state, U.N. ambassadors, Russian and Chinese ambassadors and a third of all presidential cabinets prior to 2016 were drawn -- is the nation's leading advocate for globalism. The CFR is clearly for open borders and transnational agreements. No major television, radio or national newspaper outlet yet identifies it by name; nevertheless, these mediums know it.
Extending amnesty in the Immigration Act of 1965 did not work because we did not seal the border. Instead, it encouraged more to come. When offered again by President Ronald Reagan in the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, with the promise that we would never need it again, I warned that, despite the promise to finally end illegal immigration, we would repeat this in the next generation. And we have. I make the same promise for 30 years from now. Those that have undue influence upon both the Democratic and Republican parties -- the globalist's CFR -- have no intention of actually sealing the border, thus its resisting President Trump's efforts to do so.
Centuries ago China built the Great Wall, to keep barbarians out, without bulldozers, giant trucks, cranes or any other heavy lifting and earth moving technologies that we have today. Globalists want regional government, and a wall inhibits this.
The truth is that the CFR wants a generation or two of illegal immigration to help Mexico gain some measure of economic parity with Canada and the United States before assimilation can be a reality. Illegals tend to send money home and often retire in Mexico. The CFR 2005 publication, "Building a North American Community," outlined "the groundwork for the free flow of people within North America."
The CFR seeks "cross-border traffic, travel and trade within North America." The featured article in the January/February 2004 issue of Foreign Affairs, the Council's principal publication, has author Jerome Corsi identifying NAFTA, the North America Free Trade Agreement, as being "the first draft of an economic constitution for North America."
This best explains the semi-secret meeting of George W. Bush in the somewhat obscure location of Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005, with Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin and Mexican President Vincente Fox to formulate the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America," popularly referred to as SPP. Two years later in Montebello, Quebec, Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper again came together with U.S. President George W. Bush. In that meeting, Fox News reporter Bret Baier asked each, "Can you say today that this is not a prelude to a North American Union, similar to a European Union?" None denied it ("Permanent Amnesty, Temporary Border," The New American, April 22, 2013, p.15).
The very controversial Bush planned superhighway running through the mid-west, allowing unrestricted use by both neighbors, could not then get liftoff, but succeeding president, Barack Obama, did support open borders, most notably by executive order, essentially refusing to deport children of those illegally entering the U.S. and transnational agreements, notably the Trans-Pacific Partnership, both of which undermine national sovereignty and strengthen regional governance.
The CFR plan to make illegal immigration legal remains in place as a major component of its larger plan to consolidate the three countries of North America and perhaps Central America into The North American Union. A physical wall is the best evidence of our remaining a sovereign country. Sadly, the 2018 federal budget denied border wall funding. So far, globalists remain in place to prevent a "real" wall ever becoming a reality.
Harold W. Pease, Ph.D., is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit
This is the very same CFR that laughed like hyenas when Biden told his story about his Ukraine Quid Pro Quo. [The Ukrainian prosecutor actively investigating Hunter Biden was fired.] The CFR are unabashed war mongers and globalists and why wouldn't they be; the CFR was the brainchild of Cecil Rhodes. It was initially called the Rhodes Trust, then the Round Table Group, and finally the CFR. In 1905 The Rand School of Science was created in New York City by the Fabian Society with the goal of de-Christianizing the USA.
In 1921, a smaller even more secretive group within the Council on Foreign Relations called "The Order" gave themselves wide liberty to alter each of the following areas of YOUR life without your approval:
* More on this topic here:
In 1921, a smaller even more secretive group within the Council on Foreign Relations called "The Order" gave themselves wide liberty to alter each of the following areas of YOUR life without your approval:
- Education — how the population of the future will behave,
- Law — the authority to enforce the will of the state, a world law and a world court is needed for a world state
- Politics — the direction of the State
- Economy — the creation of wealth
- History — what people believe happened in the past
- Psychology — the means of controlling how people think
- Philanthropy — so that people think well of the controllers
- Medicine — the power over health, life and death
- Religion — people’s spiritual beliefs, the spur to action for many
- Media — what people know and learn about current events
- Continuity — the power to appoint who follows in your footsteps
- President of Johns Hopkins University, imported Wundt psychological methods from Germany, then welded education and psychology in the U.S., established laboratories, brought these educational laboratories into major Universities and generated hundreds of PhDs to teach a new “globalist” educational conditioning system that would lead to communism.
* More on this topic here: