Since the 2020 election we have been a nation under seige by a New World Order forged by the World Economic Forum, moving that the direction of even more wealthy, hidden entitites called The Committee of 300. Pentagon run GOOGLE, Facebook and Twitter censored and suspended any person who figured out their depopulation by virus and vaccination agenda.
With $11 billion in ad revenue last quarter, we know Google is making $121 million/day $5,288 per hour conning you into clicking on ads, so they can track your activity. If you use PPC you are part of the problem. Stop clicking on adds and dry up their revenue. Contact the business via it's own site, directly.
“Unbeknown to the American people they are ruled with a rod of iron by the secret government, the Committee of 300. Everything is rigged to work against the American people. If we are to survive, then we must first break the stranglehold the Committee has on our government. In every election since Calvin Coolidge ran for the White House, the Committee was able to plant its agents in key positions in both political parties and in government, so that it matters not who got the top White House post.”
― John Coleman, The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Committee of 300
― John Coleman, The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Committee of 300
Google redactors have been working overtime, imitating OCEANIA in 1984 where fact redactors remove and replace news daily to match BIG BROTHER's solo narrative.We must fight this trend by taking as many screen shots as possible, before the pages go 404.
If you want a head's-up as to where this BBB "creative destruction" is going, read Mauro F. Guillen's book: 2030: How Today's Biggest Trends will Collide and Reshape the Future of Everything.
Creative destruction is a coup d'etat by Satanists. Look at the "ceremony" for the opening of the Gotthard Base Tunnel at CERN.
If you want a head's-up as to where this BBB "creative destruction" is going, read Mauro F. Guillen's book: 2030: How Today's Biggest Trends will Collide and Reshape the Future of Everything.
Creative destruction is a coup d'etat by Satanists. Look at the "ceremony" for the opening of the Gotthard Base Tunnel at CERN.
wef_am23_list_of_confirmed_pfs.pdf |
Since the Jan 2020 outbreak, the WEF has been desperately trying to hide the fact their plan was not a "post pandemic response" but planned years in advance.The Great Reset, Agenda 21, Build Back Better or The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the work of the Council on Foreign Relations, led by Henry Kissinger, the CIA and Zbignew Brezinski, launched in 1971.
No country can choose to remain a sovereign nation with independent laws, money and a Constitution or Bill of Rights for this "reset" to work. It is a coup not only on the USA, but the entire world.
Let us start with the subject of dopplegangers. Head shape, eyebrows, nose shape and ear lobes do not change over time. Who is in the White House?
The last thing NWO conspirators wanted was a nation of individuals who would question them, so they infiltrated our schools with radicals who taught a love for globalism and a blind hatred for free speech, free will and independence.
I used to think DJT was not a part of the NWO scheme, but I changed my mind in 2021. He is as much a part of it as Bush, Clinton, Obama and Biden. In fact, he is Nimod, the leader of it all.
Who is Klaus Schwab?
He is an affluent German engineer of Nazi origins. A descendant of the notorious Rothschild family, he is the founder of the World Economic Forum, which is advertised as an organization that promotes public-private cooperation. Yet, what it really seeks is to roll out the global Great Reset, based on technological dictatorship and control. It advocates eugenics, transhumanism and nanotechnology’s integration with the human body, so that human beings can be remote-controlled by the State.
He is an affluent German engineer of Nazi origins. A descendant of the notorious Rothschild family, he is the founder of the World Economic Forum, which is advertised as an organization that promotes public-private cooperation. Yet, what it really seeks is to roll out the global Great Reset, based on technological dictatorship and control. It advocates eugenics, transhumanism and nanotechnology’s integration with the human body, so that human beings can be remote-controlled by the State.
The WEF globalists have begun to run commercials to persuade you to get chipped so they can control your thoughts and actions. Sweden is the test pilot case. To test whether you will be compliant, they used mandated masks which were also used by the CIA in mind control experiments called MK-Ultra and the Monarch Project:
- Government Technology Website: - Science Channel:
- Pentagon Reveals a CHIP to track COVID:
- The Swedish office that CHIPS all of its staff:
- The MOVIE INDUSTRY that promotes getting chipped to become a cyborg:
The video below from 2017 is a Young Global Leaders meeting with David Gergen; Klaus brags that he has all of the major world leaders in his hip pocket.
And, let us not forget CHRISTOPHER WRAY, our FBI Director, trotted off to Davos to meet with Klaus and promised to enforce censorship on Twitter. Edward Snowden pointed this out, as did Julian Assange, which is why both men have been attacked relentlessly:
The movie ShadowGate features two whistleblowers, Tore and Patrick Bergy, who describe a network of government contractors in the Intelligence Community, with access to the NSA’s dragnet surveillance and AI programs, who exploit this information to blackmail and control politicians and other powerful people.
The Google fact redactors removed the following video on 9/13 /2020 to hide the Kissinger-WEF-release of covid connection revealed on Italian TV. I took a screen shot before they did.
ITALIAN doctors reported Covid toes, a blistering rash, but our MSM and US doctors did not mention this until months later. This Biological Warfare article may well explain the phenomenon they refuse to address. The one on the left is covid toe; the one on the right is a chemical burn from biowarfare. See any difference?
Dr. Fauci testified in May 2021 that he has "no way of guaranteeing" that the Wuhan Institute of Virology did not use $600,000 in tax payer dollars to conduct risky GOF experiments. Fauci denied the project was GOF in spite of patents that prove otherwise.
When Daszak emailed Greer on July 11, 2016, he said: "We are very happy to hear that our Gain of Function research funding pause has been lifted." Daszak, EcoHealth and Fauci knew the risks. They knew the risks and went full steam ahead anyways.
Klaus Schwab’s book The Great Reset: the Fourth Industrial Revolution came out in 2018 and includes COVID, as the chart below shows. The New York Times came out with its first Great Reset issue in NOVEMBER 2019, the same month covid was released. It was a shortlived publication, just two weeks before the second issue "Your Move Humans" was put on news stands.
covid-19_-the-great-reset-klaus-schwab.pdf |
Bill Gates has been denying he sponsored Event 201, but fact checkers cannot redact data fast enough to hide his participation.
- National Herald India Exposé :
- Event 201: five videos:
- Event 201: the “players”:
- Bill Gates: Reduce World Population with New Vaccines:
Keep in mind the Knights of Malta are considered a “sovereign nation," which means they are accountable to no one but themselves. "The past that Klaus Schwab has worked to hide reveals the involvement of the Schwab family, not only in the Nazi quest for an atomic bomb, but apartheid South Africa’s illegal nuclear programme. Especially revealing is the history of Klaus’ father, Eugen Schwab, who led the Nazi-supported German branch of a Swiss engineering firm into the war as a prominent military contractor. That company, Escher-Wyss, would use slave labor to produce machinery critical to the Nazi war effort as well as the Nazi’s effort to produce heavy water for its nuclear program. Years later, at the same company, a young Klaus Schwab served on the board of directors when the decision was made to furnish the racist apartheid regime of South Africa with the necessary equipment to further its quest to become a nuclear power."
Royal honors are imparted by the Knights for doing the will of the intellectual elite and bankers and many of our US politicians have received these honors which put them at risk of dishonoring the constituents they are sworn to serve.
Royal honors are imparted by the Knights for doing the will of the intellectual elite and bankers and many of our US politicians have received these honors which put them at risk of dishonoring the constituents they are sworn to serve.
Secret handshakes....Secretive coins...Secretive envelopes = Sinister Behavior
Imagine a member of the G7 holding a press conference with children present, saying that feeding humans to animals will re-balance nature. Imagine the Club of Rome telling you that "cow farts" cause climate change, even as they work on climate engineering. Clearly, they are mocking us, as they did with the use of the #33 during covid, with dancing nurses carrying corpses.
They think we should turn to cannibalism to stop "climate change."
The WEF has also planned a matching cyber attack with covid-like characteristics.
Many citizens in other countries recognize masks and this vaccine as a "gateway drug" leading to chipping and mind control. They are demonstrating in the streets!
- France:
- Canada:
- UK:
- Denmark:
- Italy:
- Austria:
The MSM are complicit in Crimes Against Humanity.
- The truth is it's the VACCINATED who are spreading the disease at an accelerated rate and we can now see why it is called "chimeric." It is a runaway biowarfare weapon, not at all like the normal seasonal flu:
- Highest disease among those vaccinated: Ireland figured it out
- Covid vaccine causes blood clots:
- Women are miscarrying immediately after having the vaccine and the wealthy continue to demand more people get vaccinated:
- WATCH: Pfizer Executive states for the record there is a COMPLIANCE CHIP in the medicine: - WATCH : A doctor speaks out on Covid 19 vaccine ingredients:
- Stew Peter's Red Voice Media. His interview with Dr. Carrie Madej will make you refuse the vaccine and all boosters.
As Peters says: “The Biden administration is still pursuing its plan to force a vaccine into the arms of every American, regardless of age, health status, or religious conviction. But that dictatorial push isn’t enough, so they’re also expanding their push to booster shots. Of course, those will be mandatory soon as well. Soon everybody will be paying their mandatory tribute to Pfizer every six months for the right to travel, go outside, hold a job, have a life. And they’re racing forward aggressively. Even the CDC’s own Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices voted against endorsing booster shots for health care workers and teachers. But last Friday, CDC director Rochelle Wolensky just overruled them. The Biden Administration’s political priorities come first, and that means more vaccines being forced into more arms. Doctor Carrie Madej says she personally examined multiple vials of the vaccines that are being forced into people’s arms, and she says she was horrified by what she saw. She says she cried harder than she ever has before. She says other American labs have looked at the contents of vaccine vials, only to shut down shortly after.” - The truth about these vaccines is they are not vaccines at all. They are causing women to miscarry, the swabs for testing are causing brain damage, the ingredients contain unusual moving organisms that respond to movement and alarm genuine scientists, pharmaceutical companies are dismissing VAERS reports and claimed lack of liability, there is a “long haulers” unlike any normal flu cycle and it is mutating [because it was made to be chimeric], massively swollen tongue, people who die immediately after being vaccinated. Norway has said COVID-19 vaccines may pose a risk for the very old and terminally ill, after it reported 29 deaths linked to the jabs by Pfizer-BioNtech.
- FL Doctor dies after vaccine
- CA person dies after vaccine
- Dr. in AU speaks out and says it kills
- Norway will not give to elderly
- Neurological problems after vaccine
- C19 Vax Reactions: “We are a large and ever growing group of Americans who were previously healthy and have been seriously injured by the COVID vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J as well as Astra Zeneca in the clinical trial stage in the United States).”
Sky News Australia and the Australian Christian Lobby were the very first news agencies to warn us of the Orwellian Great Reset:
- Coronavirus made in a Lab:
- Timeline for the Great Reset by Sociable:
- Epoch Times: Al Gore and John Kerry call for Radical Great Reset:
- Australian Christian Lobby warns about The Great Reset [above]:
- Bill Gates Globalist Vaccine Agenda by Robert F Kennedy Jr.
- The Great Reset will Dramatically Expand the Surveillance State via Real-time Tracking:
- Free Market Foundation and Demise of Capitalism if The Great Reset Occurs:
- The Great Reset: World Leaders Radical plan to Transform the Economy:
- Depopulation: Gates pushes nanoparticle vaccine:
- No Privacy, No Property:
- Aspen Times: Beware the New World Order:
- Radio Free Asia: Mass Cremation at Start of Covid not mentioned on US main stream media:
- Climate Depot: You will Own Nothing and You Will Be Happy: The Great Reset Plan:
- Cyber attack with COVID-like characteristics planned says the WEF:
- China Cyber attacks:
- Expert says how CCP espionage was accomplished [using our own member of Congress]: - WEF "climate change" agenda included ratcheting up the price of lumber to push printer homes:
Jane Burgermeister and Michel Sterling tried to stop the reset:
The Quebec politician above jumped right to commit suicide, if you don't like the NWO plan!
Are we really going to pretend Bill Gates + the CCP + DARPA are not playing around with the weather to cause climate change?
Are we really going to pretend Bill Gates + the CCP + DARPA are not playing around with the weather to cause climate change?
500 Million people
We know they have been planning this "reset" for a long time because it coincides with the timeline for education, begun in 1961. Caruba has done a phenomenal job outlining the history of UN subversion of USA education:
"In the 1980’s the DOE says Iserbyt, "effectively transformed the essential character of the nation’s public schools from ‘teaching’---the most traditional and conservative role of schools---to ‘workforce training’---perceived as liberal and ‘progressive.’" It is a particular irony that one of Ronald Reagan’s campaign platforms was the abolishing of the Department of Education. He was right." One wishes now he had followed through and demolished it.
Here is the LAW that prevents the Federal Government from dictating what your child shall learn in school: Use both sections 434 and 438 at school meetings, parents!
Section 434. Parental Involvement and Dissemination
Regulations promulgated by the Secretary for an applicable program shall encourage parental participation in the program whenever the Secretary determines that this participation would increase the effectiveness of the program. If the program for which such a determination is made provides payments to LEAs, the applications for such payments must do the following:
a. set forth the policies and procedures to ensure that parents of the children to be served in the program will be consulted and involved in the planning, development, and operation of the program;
b. be submitted with an assurance that such parents have had an opportunity to present their views of the application; and
c. set forth policies and procedures for dissemination of the program plans and evaluations to such parents and the public.
Section 438. Prohibition Against Federal Control of Education
This section clarifies that no provision of any applicable program is intended to authorize the federal government to exercise any "direction, supervision, or control over the curriculum, program of instruction, administration, or personnel of any educational institution, school, or school system," or over the selection of "library resources, textbooks, or other printed or published instructional materials by any educational institution or school system." Additionally, no provision of any applicable program shall be construed to authorize the federal government to require "the assignment or transportation of students or teachers in order to overcome racial imbalance."
- Whistleblower about CIA MK-Ultra and author of book below, Trance Formation, Cathy O'Brien: [above quote is from this book].
- History of MK-Ultra:
- Origins and Techniques of the Monarch Mind Control Program:
- WEF and Mind Control :
- Mind Control using Sound Waves by the WEF:
- Annie Jacobsen: Inside DARPA:
- Annie Jacobsen: Secret History of the CIA:
- A well-crafted article about the world elite's plan to normalize pedophilia:
Francis Fox Pivens, Saul Alinsky, Zack Exley and Becky Bond have been priming the pump for a Communist takeover. Keep in mind that J.M. Keynes, whose financial theories have been pushed by Obama and Clinton as part of the Chicago School of Economics, was not only a homosexual, but he was an admitted pedophile and sexual deviant: Learn more
Above, a world banker confesses to the fact that at the highest levels of banking murdering a child is expected to be a part of their club.
Communist-style art posters mocking Biden and Fauci's COVID mandates appeared in Washington DC and were hastily torn down in January 2022, said the Washington Examiner.
Today's Progressive Democrat is not a Socialist who wants roads and bridges and dams repaired; today's Progressive Democrat is a Fabian Society Marxist. Marx’s own daughter could not handle the abuse she endured at the hands of her father and committed suicide. Pedophile Policians
In 2010, under Obama, children became “sexual beings.” One hundred and seventy-six abstinence programs were defunded in that year by Obama. In Helena, Montana, fifth graders were taught that “sexual intercourse includes, but is not limited to, vaginal, oral and anal penetration.” All grades were taught that marriage was a commitment between two people, not a man and a woman, and sixth graders were taught that sexual intercourse included “the penis, fingers, tongue and objects.” There is no point in denying it happened; here is the proof:
As Peter Sprigg, senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council states: “The fact that young children are aware that their bodies include genitalia hardly makes them ‘sexual beings,’ and it is improper (and potentially dangerous) to treat them as such before puberty.”
The Blaze hit the nail on the head and said the HHS was working to decriminalize pedophilia:
Tonight, when you sit around the dinner table with your family and you ask yourself why sodomy is being normalized in 2022 under Biden with books in your children’s school libraries bought with your tax payer dollars, remember those 2010 and 2011 decisions make by Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden.
As Peter Sprigg, senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council states: “The fact that young children are aware that their bodies include genitalia hardly makes them ‘sexual beings,’ and it is improper (and potentially dangerous) to treat them as such before puberty.”
The Blaze hit the nail on the head and said the HHS was working to decriminalize pedophilia:
Tonight, when you sit around the dinner table with your family and you ask yourself why sodomy is being normalized in 2022 under Biden with books in your children’s school libraries bought with your tax payer dollars, remember those 2010 and 2011 decisions make by Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden.
In 2024 you will hear Klaus Schwab talk about the "burden" of home ownership. The man who calls himself Joe Biden will try to convince you to sell your key asset--you home--to move into a mega high-rise, so the world's wealthiest bankers can snap up that property, laughing at your gullibility. They will also wax eloquent on how printer-made meat "saves the environment" and electric cars are an imperative, not an option. The single family homes they have planned have all the charm of a mausoleum [#5].
- 3-D printer food:
- NIH Cockroach milk:
- Bugs for YOU! says the WEF:
- How to Milk a Cockroach-- a woke-produced video:
- Lumber replaced with cement homes:
- Cost of cars that run on gas go through the roof:
Their plan is to increase home costs to the point where nobody can afford one. Then people will be moved into megacities to share homes when they are not in them and use public transportation, since gasoline will be exorbitant and the majority will not be able to afford a $50K electric car. Hence the "no privacy, no property mantra" the WEF loves to sing.
BBB is truly a dystopian sci-fi plan that incorporates stories from Ira Levin [the Stepford Wives] and Kurt Vonnegut [Harrison Bergeron], Orwell's 1984 and more.
1. Robots Could Replace Teachers as Soon as 2027:
2. Robot Police Force:
3. Sophia Robot Mimics Human Expressions:
4. Robots will be learning from Robot Teachers by 2030:
5. Sophia’s Creator Plans an ARMY of Robots in 2021:
6. Shadowgate by Millie Weaver: I posted this earlier, but it applies to this category too:
7. Sophia Robot #1: Welcome to Your Robot Replacement, the new Stepford Wife
8. Sophia Robot #2:
9. Interview with Sophia:
10 CCP Plan: One Child Only:
11. MUST READ: The Subversion of Education by the UN:
12. 3D-Food Printing:
13. AI and the Future of Work:
14. Very disturbing report on the Future of Family: marriage, sex and parenthood would be separated, and we would see a convergence to sustained low fertility and a new set of family forms: non-marital fertility, lone parenthood, cohabiting couple families.
15. Robot Dogs:
16. March 2020: First Instance of self-hunting drone attacking human beings. Used in Libya during Second Libyan Civil War.
17. Mo Gawdat, the former Chief Business Officer with Google's Research and Development Division warns that artificial intelligence researchers are trying to "create God." Gawdat says that soon the technology will reach "technological singularity" other words, it will become self-sufficient and no longer need humans to function and scientists are working toward that effort.
18. Cassie is the first bipedal robot to complete an outdoor 5K: Think of its many uses, since it never has to rest or eat, shower or dress:
19. The scariest tech of CES 2022: from Hyundai's 'digital twins' to breathing PCs:
20. We wouldn’t be able to control super-intelligent machines says the Max-Plack Institute for Humans and Machines which recently published a paper in The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research titled: "Superintelligence Cannot be Contained":
"A super-intelligent machine that controls the world sounds like science fiction. But there are already machines that perform certain important tasks independently without programmers fully understanding how they learned it."
21. Chinese robots can "read" co-workers minds with 96% accuracy:
22. They've got robots saying a family is important even as they tear down the family structure of those that are alive. 2022 is stranger than fiction. Ira Levin would be proud.
1. Robots Could Replace Teachers as Soon as 2027:
2. Robot Police Force:
3. Sophia Robot Mimics Human Expressions:
4. Robots will be learning from Robot Teachers by 2030:
5. Sophia’s Creator Plans an ARMY of Robots in 2021:
6. Shadowgate by Millie Weaver: I posted this earlier, but it applies to this category too:
7. Sophia Robot #1: Welcome to Your Robot Replacement, the new Stepford Wife
8. Sophia Robot #2:
9. Interview with Sophia:
10 CCP Plan: One Child Only:
11. MUST READ: The Subversion of Education by the UN:
12. 3D-Food Printing:
13. AI and the Future of Work:
14. Very disturbing report on the Future of Family: marriage, sex and parenthood would be separated, and we would see a convergence to sustained low fertility and a new set of family forms: non-marital fertility, lone parenthood, cohabiting couple families.
15. Robot Dogs:
16. March 2020: First Instance of self-hunting drone attacking human beings. Used in Libya during Second Libyan Civil War.
17. Mo Gawdat, the former Chief Business Officer with Google's Research and Development Division warns that artificial intelligence researchers are trying to "create God." Gawdat says that soon the technology will reach "technological singularity" other words, it will become self-sufficient and no longer need humans to function and scientists are working toward that effort.
18. Cassie is the first bipedal robot to complete an outdoor 5K: Think of its many uses, since it never has to rest or eat, shower or dress:
19. The scariest tech of CES 2022: from Hyundai's 'digital twins' to breathing PCs:
20. We wouldn’t be able to control super-intelligent machines says the Max-Plack Institute for Humans and Machines which recently published a paper in The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research titled: "Superintelligence Cannot be Contained":
"A super-intelligent machine that controls the world sounds like science fiction. But there are already machines that perform certain important tasks independently without programmers fully understanding how they learned it."
21. Chinese robots can "read" co-workers minds with 96% accuracy:
22. They've got robots saying a family is important even as they tear down the family structure of those that are alive. 2022 is stranger than fiction. Ira Levin would be proud.
1. CRISPR’s Pro-life Problem:
2. International Team Creates first chimeric human-monkey embyos:
3. NIH considers lifting funding ban on chimeras, half-human, half-animal embyos:
4. There is a third CRISPR-edited baby:
5. Is China using CRISPR to Create Super Soldiers? and is the USA trying to compete with them using CRISPR too?
6. Bio-tech: Are we using it to prepare for Warfare:
7. Fauci FDA and CRISPR Babies Scandal:
8. Podesta’s Art: Shocking parallel to the chimeras made via CRISPR
9. Chimeras:
10. FDA: Fresh never Frozen: Humanized Mice: Using Aborted Babies:
11. Proof of forced organ harvest for the CRISPR program:
12. US Government has been caught buying fresh flesh of aborted babies who could have survived as preemies:
13. Epoch Times is the only news agency brave enough to show us unethical behavior of the CCP.
14. ITALIAN news agency names the key buyers of late term abortions in the USA. This was censored by Google; here is the original link: but, I got a screenshot before it disappeared.
2. International Team Creates first chimeric human-monkey embyos:
3. NIH considers lifting funding ban on chimeras, half-human, half-animal embyos:
4. There is a third CRISPR-edited baby:
5. Is China using CRISPR to Create Super Soldiers? and is the USA trying to compete with them using CRISPR too?
6. Bio-tech: Are we using it to prepare for Warfare:
7. Fauci FDA and CRISPR Babies Scandal:
8. Podesta’s Art: Shocking parallel to the chimeras made via CRISPR
9. Chimeras:
10. FDA: Fresh never Frozen: Humanized Mice: Using Aborted Babies:
11. Proof of forced organ harvest for the CRISPR program:
12. US Government has been caught buying fresh flesh of aborted babies who could have survived as preemies:
13. Epoch Times is the only news agency brave enough to show us unethical behavior of the CCP.
14. ITALIAN news agency names the key buyers of late term abortions in the USA. This was censored by Google; here is the original link: but, I got a screenshot before it disappeared.
The "Q" plan is to destroy humanity and replace human workers with AI and robots by the year 2025. Look how far they have come already: