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The FDA shopped from a menu of aborted fetus organs to insert into lab mice as part of taxpayer-funded experiments, according to government records—a practice that watchdogs said may violate federal law.
From 2012 to 2018, Advanced Bioscience Resources, a nonprofit fetal tissue supplier, charged the FDA $340 per aborted fetus liver and $515 per intact skull. The FDA originally redacted these price listings, but a judge later unsealed the documents containing them, which were made public Tuesday by Judicial Watch. Federal law bans any institution from profiting off the sale of aborted fetuses. Meredith Di Liberto, the lead attorney in the lawsuit to obtain the government records, said the unredacted documents reveal a clear line of business between the FDA and a leading fetal tissue provider.
"I don’t know how you get around that not being a violation of federal law," Di Liberto told the Washington Free Beacon. "Why are they charging per organ? What work is involved that requires you to charge a separate cost for a thymus and a liver?"
From 2012 to 2018, Advanced Bioscience Resources, a nonprofit fetal tissue supplier, charged the FDA $340 per aborted fetus liver and $515 per intact skull. The FDA originally redacted these price listings, but a judge later unsealed the documents containing them, which were made public Tuesday by Judicial Watch. Federal law bans any institution from profiting off the sale of aborted fetuses. Meredith Di Liberto, the lead attorney in the lawsuit to obtain the government records, said the unredacted documents reveal a clear line of business between the FDA and a leading fetal tissue provider.
"I don’t know how you get around that not being a violation of federal law," Di Liberto told the Washington Free Beacon. "Why are they charging per organ? What work is involved that requires you to charge a separate cost for a thymus and a liver?"
"Basically you’re trafficking baby body parts using our taxpayer funds, and it’s being done at our federal agencies," Prentice told the Free Beacon. "I think it’s an open question if they’re making a profit off of this tissue, and that obviously borders on the illegal." Babies are born alive and dissected without any anesthetic for their organs.
Testifying before the Pennsylvania Health Committee on May 4th, Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden said:
It’s a matter of public record that there are horrific abuses of aborted infants taking place [in] PA through the extensive fetal experimentation programs at the taxpayer-funded University of Pittsburgh.
In a recent study, Pitt scientists describe scalping 5-month-old aborted babies and grafting their scalps onto the backs of lab rats to keep them growing… in the study you can see the pictures of little baby scalps growing tiny baby hairs on the backs of lab rats and lab mice. Each one of those scalps… represents a little PA baby who would have grown those little hairs on their head if they had not been killed by abortion for experiments with rodents.
Starting in 2016, Pitt received a $1.4M grant from the NIH to become a distribution hub for aborted fetal kidneys and bladders and other organs in the NIH’s genitourinary development mapping atlas program. Pitt’s grant application for this grant from the NIH states that the university has a unique access to a large number of high-quality aborted fetuses and can “ramp up” delivery of abortion fetal body parts across the country.
Daleiden describes the live fetal liver harvesting of a Pitt stem cell scientist whose protocol “calls for aborting 5-month-old fetuses alive via labor induction in order to deliver the baby whole, then wash the baby, place the baby on a surgical tray, and cut the baby open to harvest the baby’s liver as fresh and clean as possible.” The purpose of this harvesting is to transplant fetal stem cells into adults.
"They cut open the face of a 25-week-old newborn baby to harvest his brain while his heart was still beating."
Newborn Babies: Dissected for Reseach. This is why we fight against ABORTION and LATE TERM ABORTIONS.…
Testifying before the Pennsylvania Health Committee on May 4th, Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden said:
It’s a matter of public record that there are horrific abuses of aborted infants taking place [in] PA through the extensive fetal experimentation programs at the taxpayer-funded University of Pittsburgh.
In a recent study, Pitt scientists describe scalping 5-month-old aborted babies and grafting their scalps onto the backs of lab rats to keep them growing… in the study you can see the pictures of little baby scalps growing tiny baby hairs on the backs of lab rats and lab mice. Each one of those scalps… represents a little PA baby who would have grown those little hairs on their head if they had not been killed by abortion for experiments with rodents.
Starting in 2016, Pitt received a $1.4M grant from the NIH to become a distribution hub for aborted fetal kidneys and bladders and other organs in the NIH’s genitourinary development mapping atlas program. Pitt’s grant application for this grant from the NIH states that the university has a unique access to a large number of high-quality aborted fetuses and can “ramp up” delivery of abortion fetal body parts across the country.
Daleiden describes the live fetal liver harvesting of a Pitt stem cell scientist whose protocol “calls for aborting 5-month-old fetuses alive via labor induction in order to deliver the baby whole, then wash the baby, place the baby on a surgical tray, and cut the baby open to harvest the baby’s liver as fresh and clean as possible.” The purpose of this harvesting is to transplant fetal stem cells into adults.
"They cut open the face of a 25-week-old newborn baby to harvest his brain while his heart was still beating."
Newborn Babies: Dissected for Reseach. This is why we fight against ABORTION and LATE TERM ABORTIONS.…
Late Term Abortions are not only connected to CRISPR DNA altering experiments, but are being used as food flavorings, drugs, and in acts of cannibalism. What they aren't telling you is that in the WUHAN wet market they also sell human meat and fetuses, as Seoul Times exposes at the end of this article.
The Ghouls at Planned Parenthood...
Planned Parenthood murders children, thinks its funny to sever their testicles, sells the body parts to generate income, and conspires very explicitly to skirt the laws and hide their illegal activities. There simply is no sanitized way to say it.
1. Dr. Carolyn Weshoff, Planned Parenthood's senior medical adviser, sips some tasty wine while discussing dividing up the dead children and selling them to various clients. She says the people she works with don't want stem cells, but "particular tissues" like "cardiac" or "eyes" or "neural" or "spinal cords." She says they can sell any part of a murdered baby. Laughing heartily, she reminds the undercover investigator that they can provide "gonads -- oh my God, gonads." She promises that all of the body parts are "fresh," like meat from the local deli. She smirks and says that selling the fresh testicles of murdered children can become a "huge PR issue," and urges secrecy and discretion.
2. Dr. Vanessa Cullins, another high ranking Planned Parenthood official, admits that these transactions could "destroy" their organization if they don't "time the conversations correctly."
3. Deb VanDerhei, the national director for the Consortium of Abortion Providers at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, asks the buyer if he "just wants livers." He says he's looking for everything. She asks about "remuneration," which is a fancy word for financial compensation. She brings up the question of profits on her own and without prompting, and worries that the kickbacks be handled "carefully" because "the headlines would be a disaster."
This theme is returned to at multiple points throughout the footage. Planned Parenthood was obviously very concerned that their black market human trafficking would end up landing them on the front pages or in prison. Perhaps the most depressing part of the video is that there hasn't been any headlines or any jail time for any of these people. Even they, it turns out, are surprised that nobody cares about them carving up and cannibalizing dead infants. She says PPFA doesn't have a policy on "tissue procurment," which, she admits, "is relatively intentional."
4. Dr. Deborah Nucatola, who we've met in previous installments, smiles coyly and confirms there "are no guidelines" and "there will never be guidelines." Basically, PPFA affiliates can do whatever they want. "Nothing is written," she says again. She's practically screaming subliminally that clinics can sell babies for whatever price and for whatever reason. There are absolutely no ethical restrictions imposed from within. From her facial expressions, she appears to be rather proud of this fact.
5. VanDerhei, again worrying about the "headlines," says she wants clinics to only sell dead babies if it's "worth it." She says she knows they can "generate a fair amount of income doing this," which is a statement that flies directly in the face of pro-choice propaganda claiming PPFA isn't motivated by profit. She openly plots the cover up for this illegal operation, telling the buyer she's "not comfortable having the conversation through email."
6. Vanessa Russo, an official with Planned Parenthood Keystone, talks very openly about her intention to break the law. She says she "won't be bullied by ridiculous law" (because laws that protect children from being dismembered and sold for parts are, in her mind, ridiculous). She denies that Planned Parenthood "should curtail its business for ridiculousness" (the law is the "ridiculousness" in this case). VanDerhei responds by telling Russo that PPFA doesn't plan to curtail its business at all. They've been given the all clear to "go for it" and collect "remuneration."
Planned Parenthood murders children, thinks its funny to sever their testicles, sells the body parts to generate income, and conspires very explicitly to skirt the laws and hide their illegal activities. There simply is no sanitized way to say it.
1. Dr. Carolyn Weshoff, Planned Parenthood's senior medical adviser, sips some tasty wine while discussing dividing up the dead children and selling them to various clients. She says the people she works with don't want stem cells, but "particular tissues" like "cardiac" or "eyes" or "neural" or "spinal cords." She says they can sell any part of a murdered baby. Laughing heartily, she reminds the undercover investigator that they can provide "gonads -- oh my God, gonads." She promises that all of the body parts are "fresh," like meat from the local deli. She smirks and says that selling the fresh testicles of murdered children can become a "huge PR issue," and urges secrecy and discretion.
2. Dr. Vanessa Cullins, another high ranking Planned Parenthood official, admits that these transactions could "destroy" their organization if they don't "time the conversations correctly."
3. Deb VanDerhei, the national director for the Consortium of Abortion Providers at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, asks the buyer if he "just wants livers." He says he's looking for everything. She asks about "remuneration," which is a fancy word for financial compensation. She brings up the question of profits on her own and without prompting, and worries that the kickbacks be handled "carefully" because "the headlines would be a disaster."
This theme is returned to at multiple points throughout the footage. Planned Parenthood was obviously very concerned that their black market human trafficking would end up landing them on the front pages or in prison. Perhaps the most depressing part of the video is that there hasn't been any headlines or any jail time for any of these people. Even they, it turns out, are surprised that nobody cares about them carving up and cannibalizing dead infants. She says PPFA doesn't have a policy on "tissue procurment," which, she admits, "is relatively intentional."
4. Dr. Deborah Nucatola, who we've met in previous installments, smiles coyly and confirms there "are no guidelines" and "there will never be guidelines." Basically, PPFA affiliates can do whatever they want. "Nothing is written," she says again. She's practically screaming subliminally that clinics can sell babies for whatever price and for whatever reason. There are absolutely no ethical restrictions imposed from within. From her facial expressions, she appears to be rather proud of this fact.
5. VanDerhei, again worrying about the "headlines," says she wants clinics to only sell dead babies if it's "worth it." She says she knows they can "generate a fair amount of income doing this," which is a statement that flies directly in the face of pro-choice propaganda claiming PPFA isn't motivated by profit. She openly plots the cover up for this illegal operation, telling the buyer she's "not comfortable having the conversation through email."
6. Vanessa Russo, an official with Planned Parenthood Keystone, talks very openly about her intention to break the law. She says she "won't be bullied by ridiculous law" (because laws that protect children from being dismembered and sold for parts are, in her mind, ridiculous). She denies that Planned Parenthood "should curtail its business for ridiculousness" (the law is the "ridiculousness" in this case). VanDerhei responds by telling Russo that PPFA doesn't plan to curtail its business at all. They've been given the all clear to "go for it" and collect "remuneration."
Planned Parenthood conspires very explicitly to skirt the laws
italian_abortion_article.pdf |
Wouldn’t you know, it takes an Italian newspaper to tell us what is happening in the USA and sadly Google deleted it, but I have screenshots below and a translation into English: I guess their thinking is if they make the truth go 404 we will have no choice but to accept their false narrative
The National Institutes of Health gave at least $2.7 million in taxpayer money to the University of Pittsburgh to establish a "pipeline" for fetal research that sought out minority babies. Another study funded by the NIH at the university took the scalps of aborted fetuses and grew them on rats.
Two California medical companies were ordered to permanently close all business operations in a $7.8 million settlement in 2017 after a local district attorney found they were "viewing body parts as a commodity and illegally selling fetal tissues for valuable consideration." David Daleiden, the founder of the Center for Medical Progress, said ABR should be shut down too for similar illegal behavior revealed in its contracts with the FDA.
Two California medical companies were ordered to permanently close all business operations in a $7.8 million settlement in 2017 after a local district attorney found they were "viewing body parts as a commodity and illegally selling fetal tissues for valuable consideration." David Daleiden, the founder of the Center for Medical Progress, said ABR should be shut down too for similar illegal behavior revealed in its contracts with the FDA.
I am going to go out on a limb here and say that the REAL reason Democrats hushed the investigation of covid made jointly with the CCP is because they are jointly harvesting fetal organs for the CRISPR program.
1. CRISPR’s Pro-life Problem:
2. International Team Creates first chimeric human-monkey embyos:
3. NIH considers lifting funding ban on chimeras, half-human, half-animal embyos:
4. There is a third CRISPR-edited baby:
5. Is China using CRISPR to Create Super Soldiers? and is the USA trying to compete with them using CRISPR too?
6. Bio-tech: Are we using it to prepare for Warfare:
7. Fauci FDA and CRISPR Babies Scandal:
8. Podesta’s Art: Notice the shocking parallel to the chimeras made via the CRISPR program...More foreshadowing of their "make a freak" program:
9. Chimeras:
10. FDA: Fresh never Frozen: Humanized Mice: Using Aborted Babies:
11. Proof of forced organ harvest for the CRISPR program in China, and yet we continue to give them favored nation status:
12. US Government has been caught buying fresh flesh of aborted babies who could have survived as preemies:
1. CRISPR’s Pro-life Problem:
2. International Team Creates first chimeric human-monkey embyos:
3. NIH considers lifting funding ban on chimeras, half-human, half-animal embyos:
4. There is a third CRISPR-edited baby:
5. Is China using CRISPR to Create Super Soldiers? and is the USA trying to compete with them using CRISPR too?
6. Bio-tech: Are we using it to prepare for Warfare:
7. Fauci FDA and CRISPR Babies Scandal:
8. Podesta’s Art: Notice the shocking parallel to the chimeras made via the CRISPR program...More foreshadowing of their "make a freak" program:
9. Chimeras:
10. FDA: Fresh never Frozen: Humanized Mice: Using Aborted Babies:
11. Proof of forced organ harvest for the CRISPR program in China, and yet we continue to give them favored nation status:
12. US Government has been caught buying fresh flesh of aborted babies who could have survived as preemies:
The reason women are out in Portland, Oregon protesting abortion laws are most likely paid actors supporting the CRISPR program at the Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland:
UNC-Chapel Hill in NC has one as well. [From the same Dept of Virology that brought you COVID...also made with CCP help.]
UNC-Chapel Hill in NC has one as well. [From the same Dept of Virology that brought you COVID...also made with CCP help.]
The Connection is UNDENIABLE between fetuses and "soup."
A. Petty and soup imagery:
B. Perry and soup imagery:
C. China brought the "fetal soup" idea to USA and Hollywood celebrities are ingesting it to appear immortal:
A. Petty and soup imagery:
B. Perry and soup imagery:
C. China brought the "fetal soup" idea to USA and Hollywood celebrities are ingesting it to appear immortal:
"Individual meats are on sale all around Tiongkong for sale, said Chao Huang, about the Wuhan wet market. "They advertise various parts of the the human body, the girls are most expensive."
Those in the NWO support cannibalism and "celebrity meat:
And, Adrenochrome does exist according to this invoice and bottle. It's called "hotsauce" by celebrities....
And, Adrenochrome does exist according to this invoice and bottle. It's called "hotsauce" by celebrities....
CAUTION: Highly Graphic and VERY DISTURBING: The American Media Group
The Mothers of Darkness explained here and the attempt to normalize witchcraft by Disney, in plays, and in cartoons, which ties in the death of Jon Benet. This is not a pool used as a pool; it's a location for child sacrifice:
The Illuminati Ball is held annually on a CT estate. First people are blindfolded in NYC. The PIG in the WH Christmas commercial is a deference the ball, as was Joe Biden's state of union address w/red backdrop.
We made the GOF virus with CHINA and, in return, they taught our NIH how to use babies as food and for longevity drugs...
Soup made from children 6–7 months old from their birth is offered by some eateries in China.
This dish costs from 3000 to 4000 yuan ($428.5–571.4) per serving. It is accepted that this soup expands tone and essentialness, and in more seasoned men it fundamentally increments power.
A finance manager colleague with the last name Wang, who is as of now more than 62 years of age, told the reporter that he is a successive guest to such eateries, and afterward, highlighting his 19-year-old paramour, he underlined that the dish of infants helps him a great deal. The journalist didn’t really accept that that somebody truly pre-arranged such dishes, and afterward the finance manager welcomed him to see everything with his own eyes.
Their most memorable stop was in Foshan, Guangdong Region, they went to an eatery and Wang asked a owner he knew whether he could make them this dish. The owner said they have no children in stock at the present time, however they in all actuality do have new placenta. In addition, he advised that children and placentas should not be frozen, as if they are, they will not taste good. He further said that they had youthful life couple as a top priority who had come from the town to work and that the lady was pregnant with twins and all were young ladies. The couple planned to instigate untimely birth and forsake kids. As per the administrator, there will be items for the dish they need afterward.
The reporter had doubts about this. For quite some time he led an examination in the city, heard numerous tales about it, however couldn’t acquire any substantial proof. Then, at that point, Wang called him and said that the item was at that point accessible and that now the weather conditions had turned cold and a few of his companions needed to work on their wellbeing.
This time they went to Taishan, Guangdong Area. They tracked down the right café, where they were at that point pausing. And afterward, while the entire organization at the table was sitting tight for the request, the reporter offered the chance to go into the kitchen and investigate. There he witnessed for himself interestingly what he had previously heard a ton about. On the cutting table lay the little body of a main 5 child months old. The cook apologized to him in light of the fact that the child was tiny.
The cook said that they ordinarily get children through their channels from the towns. He didn’t express out loud whatever their price tag was, however said it relied upon the size of the child and whether it was alive or dead. Generally these are young ladies.
Wang, thus, let his companion know that he was paying multiple thousand yuan and this multitude of insights concerning how they get the infants didn’t intrigue him.
Everybody finding a seat at the table in the eatery that night emptied soup into their plates, isolated the child’s meat and ate everything with zeal. The reporter himself couldn’t conquer himself and attempt this dish.
During the time spent his examination, the journalist likewise figured out how to reach out to one of the Beijing specialists, who accepts that eating dishes from children is a sort of social way of behaving. He likewise called himself a Christian, and expressed that neither the Book of scriptures nor the laws of the nation forbid taking care of babies.
We as a whole suspect: barbarianism has been nullified in the enlightened world. Also, we are off-base. Bits of gossip about barbarianism in China started to spread in the press quite a while back. A writer from one of the Western distributions figured out how to go to a “supper”, during which the cordial hosts broke a human undeveloped organism bubbled in soup on the two cheeks.
Hong Kong’s month to month Next Magazine as of late distributed an article uncovering how dead infants and babies are the most valued delicacy among the Chinese. The article likewise portrayed every one of the subtleties of putting away and setting up this “delicacy.”
Soup made from children 6–7 months old from their birth is offered by some eateries in China.
This dish costs from 3000 to 4000 yuan ($428.5–571.4) per serving. It is accepted that this soup expands tone and essentialness, and in more seasoned men it fundamentally increments power.
A finance manager colleague with the last name Wang, who is as of now more than 62 years of age, told the reporter that he is a successive guest to such eateries, and afterward, highlighting his 19-year-old paramour, he underlined that the dish of infants helps him a great deal. The journalist didn’t really accept that that somebody truly pre-arranged such dishes, and afterward the finance manager welcomed him to see everything with his own eyes.
Their most memorable stop was in Foshan, Guangdong Region, they went to an eatery and Wang asked a owner he knew whether he could make them this dish. The owner said they have no children in stock at the present time, however they in all actuality do have new placenta. In addition, he advised that children and placentas should not be frozen, as if they are, they will not taste good. He further said that they had youthful life couple as a top priority who had come from the town to work and that the lady was pregnant with twins and all were young ladies. The couple planned to instigate untimely birth and forsake kids. As per the administrator, there will be items for the dish they need afterward.
The reporter had doubts about this. For quite some time he led an examination in the city, heard numerous tales about it, however couldn’t acquire any substantial proof. Then, at that point, Wang called him and said that the item was at that point accessible and that now the weather conditions had turned cold and a few of his companions needed to work on their wellbeing.
This time they went to Taishan, Guangdong Area. They tracked down the right café, where they were at that point pausing. And afterward, while the entire organization at the table was sitting tight for the request, the reporter offered the chance to go into the kitchen and investigate. There he witnessed for himself interestingly what he had previously heard a ton about. On the cutting table lay the little body of a main 5 child months old. The cook apologized to him in light of the fact that the child was tiny.
The cook said that they ordinarily get children through their channels from the towns. He didn’t express out loud whatever their price tag was, however said it relied upon the size of the child and whether it was alive or dead. Generally these are young ladies.
Wang, thus, let his companion know that he was paying multiple thousand yuan and this multitude of insights concerning how they get the infants didn’t intrigue him.
Everybody finding a seat at the table in the eatery that night emptied soup into their plates, isolated the child’s meat and ate everything with zeal. The reporter himself couldn’t conquer himself and attempt this dish.
During the time spent his examination, the journalist likewise figured out how to reach out to one of the Beijing specialists, who accepts that eating dishes from children is a sort of social way of behaving. He likewise called himself a Christian, and expressed that neither the Book of scriptures nor the laws of the nation forbid taking care of babies.
We as a whole suspect: barbarianism has been nullified in the enlightened world. Also, we are off-base. Bits of gossip about barbarianism in China started to spread in the press quite a while back. A writer from one of the Western distributions figured out how to go to a “supper”, during which the cordial hosts broke a human undeveloped organism bubbled in soup on the two cheeks.
Hong Kong’s month to month Next Magazine as of late distributed an article uncovering how dead infants and babies are the most valued delicacy among the Chinese. The article likewise portrayed every one of the subtleties of putting away and setting up this “delicacy.”