“Never let us be guilty of sacrificing any portion of truth on the altar of peace.”-J. C. Ryle
Unbeknownst to the general public, the representatives of the three major religions have been meeting in secret to plan a takeover that puts them in charge. Each has distorted the teachings of God in favor of a PAGAN blood sacrifice cult. This is the reason God said he would put his thoughts on your heart so you would never be led astray by male leaders drunk on power.
The Catholic Church has been said by men who work inside the Vatican to be a place where “Satan roams its halls” https://abcnews.go.com/Travel/chief-exorcist-rev-gabriele-amorth-devil-vatican/story?id=10073040 Pope Francis has moved pedophile priests around to other parishes to evade being charged with crimes against children. A statue to Molech, described in the Book of Leviticus, was put up at the Colosseum in the year 2020; whenever this is mentioned in the Bible, it is called an apostasy.
Previously, the Catholic Church made the Colosseum a sacred site to honor these first Christians martyred for their faith. Now it's guarded by the pagan god Molech, whose demand for child sacrifice is akin to the epidemic of late term abortions. The debut of the Molech statue coincided with the meeting of the South American Amazon synod at the Vatican where pagan fertility statues were on display at the Pope’s direction. 'There is no doubt "the Catholic Church has been thrown into a state of total confusion since Pope Francis ascended to the seat of St. Peter.” Source: https://cbn.com/news/news/statue-molech-pagan-deity-child-sacrifice-displayed-colosseum]
The Catholic Church has been said by men who work inside the Vatican to be a place where “Satan roams its halls” https://abcnews.go.com/Travel/chief-exorcist-rev-gabriele-amorth-devil-vatican/story?id=10073040 Pope Francis has moved pedophile priests around to other parishes to evade being charged with crimes against children. A statue to Molech, described in the Book of Leviticus, was put up at the Colosseum in the year 2020; whenever this is mentioned in the Bible, it is called an apostasy.
Previously, the Catholic Church made the Colosseum a sacred site to honor these first Christians martyred for their faith. Now it's guarded by the pagan god Molech, whose demand for child sacrifice is akin to the epidemic of late term abortions. The debut of the Molech statue coincided with the meeting of the South American Amazon synod at the Vatican where pagan fertility statues were on display at the Pope’s direction. 'There is no doubt "the Catholic Church has been thrown into a state of total confusion since Pope Francis ascended to the seat of St. Peter.” Source: https://cbn.com/news/news/statue-molech-pagan-deity-child-sacrifice-displayed-colosseum]
Jesus did not infer that his disciples were to consider food his actual flesh and wine his actual blood. They were to be symbols of his sacrifice. Jesus was not encouraging cannibalism, in other words. It Catholic popes who have taken his directions for life and made them into a sick cannibal cult. He wanted you to remember his teachings at least three times a day, when you ate and drank at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Cannibalism is mentioned in the Bible as a covenant curse for rejecting God and doing evil [Leviticus 26:29 and again in Deuteronomy 28:53].[Source: https://www.passiontoknowmore.com/post/cannibalism-is-mentioned-in-the-bible]
The FEMININE Holy Spirit [Ruach Ha Kodesh] will not tolerate pedophilia from men in white robes,we are told. The third secret of Fatima is harsh and directed at the pope and his entourage of cardinals.
The FEMININE Holy Spirit [Ruach Ha Kodesh] will not tolerate pedophilia from men in white robes,we are told. The third secret of Fatima is harsh and directed at the pope and his entourage of cardinals.
There is a PAGAN necropolis underneath Vatican City that may be impacting their religious policies and leading the people astray.
The teachings of Muhammad are also problematic. Muhammad’s third marriage was to Aisha, a six-year-old girl with whom the prophet had sex when she was nine. What began as a teaching based on peace quickly devolved into pedophilia and carte blanche to commit violence. Suddenly murdering in the name of Allah gives a reward in paradise of 72 vestal virgins. This is a version of heaven written by men, not God.
The ultra orthodox branch of the Jews have equally gone astray; 33 rabbis signed two letters urging marriage at an “early” age. New Jersey’s Hardim stalled a bill banning child marriage in 2018. Unchained at Last, a nonprofit that opposes underage marriage, has as its founder, Fraidy Reiss. Fraidy grew up haredi and says child marriage, primarily of girls to older men, is an abusive practice that can damage children emotionally and physically. [Source: https://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/Why-New-Jerseys-haredim-stalled-a-bill-banning-child-marriages-559219]
All three have taken what God has given for good and used it for evil. Pedophilia and enslavement of women have taken central stage and some have resorted to cannibalism and the use of children’s blood to increase their life span.
In addition to the Saudi “NEOM, the LINE" [see my page on Nimrod's latest construction project] there is also the Saudi Abrahamic Family House which encompasses a mosque, a church and a synagogue. The “Higher Committee of Human Fraternity” which none of us has ever heard about, or given any authority, has planned a takeover of the three religions and a makeover into CHRISLAM. They have made it illegal to display a Christian cross on the building related to Christianity, however. The Saudis have made teaching that Jesus is the one true God is considered to be an act of insult to Allah and subjects the offender to five or more years in prison, PLUS a fine between $68K to 654K, with Christians deported. So much for "tolerance."
Apparently these robed men think GOD can be contained in buildings or that those of faith cannot worship outside of the prescribed walls in Dubai. It is clear they want total control over the flock. They deny Jesus ripped the curtain separating God and Man, and anyone can go directly to God in prayer. They yet demand you use THEM, and them alone, as an intercessor. They alone are allowed to put the host on your lips. [Source: https://www.forhumanfraternity.org/abrahamic-family-house/] This is the “New Religion too” mentioned in the Beetles' song “Imagine" held by those that sacrifice babies to MOLECH.
The ultra orthodox branch of the Jews have equally gone astray; 33 rabbis signed two letters urging marriage at an “early” age. New Jersey’s Hardim stalled a bill banning child marriage in 2018. Unchained at Last, a nonprofit that opposes underage marriage, has as its founder, Fraidy Reiss. Fraidy grew up haredi and says child marriage, primarily of girls to older men, is an abusive practice that can damage children emotionally and physically. [Source: https://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/Why-New-Jerseys-haredim-stalled-a-bill-banning-child-marriages-559219]
All three have taken what God has given for good and used it for evil. Pedophilia and enslavement of women have taken central stage and some have resorted to cannibalism and the use of children’s blood to increase their life span.
In addition to the Saudi “NEOM, the LINE" [see my page on Nimrod's latest construction project] there is also the Saudi Abrahamic Family House which encompasses a mosque, a church and a synagogue. The “Higher Committee of Human Fraternity” which none of us has ever heard about, or given any authority, has planned a takeover of the three religions and a makeover into CHRISLAM. They have made it illegal to display a Christian cross on the building related to Christianity, however. The Saudis have made teaching that Jesus is the one true God is considered to be an act of insult to Allah and subjects the offender to five or more years in prison, PLUS a fine between $68K to 654K, with Christians deported. So much for "tolerance."
Apparently these robed men think GOD can be contained in buildings or that those of faith cannot worship outside of the prescribed walls in Dubai. It is clear they want total control over the flock. They deny Jesus ripped the curtain separating God and Man, and anyone can go directly to God in prayer. They yet demand you use THEM, and them alone, as an intercessor. They alone are allowed to put the host on your lips. [Source: https://www.forhumanfraternity.org/abrahamic-family-house/] This is the “New Religion too” mentioned in the Beetles' song “Imagine" held by those that sacrifice babies to MOLECH.
Albeit the buildings of the Abrahamic Family House are gorgeous, but is this what we have reduced God, big G, to? hollow buildings situated out in the middle of a sand dune?