They are not "globalists"...they are GOEBBELISTS.
They are not "globalists"...they are GOEBBELISTS.
News of the Day
The DOJ, FBI and CIA are STILL holding the Jan 6th-ers hostage until their corrupt agents who infiltrated and caused chaos are set free. The DOJ, FBI and CIA are also trying to hide the fact they beat them, starved them and POISONED them. There needs to be restitution for the loss of four years and those on the January 6th Committee need to be given the same "treatment" the prisoners endured without mercy. HANG all traitors in the DOJ, FBI and CIA agents by the NECK for abusing US citizens exercising free speech on January 6th and on social media, as well.
There should be ZERO Immunity for ANY of our Past Presidents for CRIMES they have committed: Child Sex Trafficking, bioweapons like AIDS and COVID, Making of Adrenochrome authorized on their watch and funded by the NIH, Rape and Pedophilia Charges. They are not above the law due to their vast wealth.
1. Reagan:
2. Bush:
3. Clinton:
4. Obama:
5. Biden:
Ephesians 5:11: "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them."
Listen to an interview with Susan Bradford. She talks about how the Rothschilds family used Donald Trump as a Trojan Horse to deceive Patriots. Once recruited, Trump was compromised by debt, introduced to Jeffrey Epstein, and plugged into the national security apparatus. Trump appeared to be taking down the so-called "Deep State" while actually helping to fortify it. Link:
Imminent Danger Posed by Zionist Freemasons
A REPLICA of the Ark of the Covenant has been made and hidden at Maralago and I am certain Trump will bring it out in 2025 when he builds the Jewish Temple using Christian dollars, parade it in front of you, and demand your allegiance to him and it. In all likelihood, the replica will have DEW weaponry inside or some DARPA-HAARP ability to make clouds.
“It should be the weapon that walks in front of the army,” he said. “We truly believe that it should be both a weapon and inspirational too.”
A REPLICA of the Ark of the Covenant has been made and hidden at Maralago and I am certain Trump will bring it out in 2025 when he builds the Jewish Temple using Christian dollars, parade it in front of you, and demand your allegiance to him and it. In all likelihood, the replica will have DEW weaponry inside or some DARPA-HAARP ability to make clouds.
“It should be the weapon that walks in front of the army,” he said. “We truly believe that it should be both a weapon and inspirational too.”
In a Nutshell: We are dealing with a small group of psychopaths in banking who want a one-world government, so they can consolidate assets with the same algorithyms they used to bring about the 2008 economic collapse. They are in charge of weaponry that causes wildfires, floods, earthquakes and nuclear war. They favor a worldview where an army of robots do all of the needed work without human beings who need to eat, sleep, and be housed. They are ruthless in their aim to depopulate the planet by 2030. Both parties, red pill and blue pill, GOP and DEM, are working for them and feel no compulsion to save humanity. The only thing standing in their way of claiming eminent domain over all cities in the USA is YOUR BELIEF in private property and TRUMP is leading the smart city charge with a Saudi Prince who has endless money to spend: Newsom isn't incompetent; he is following Trump's orders to clear land for three smart cities to come in CA. They are creating FALSE SCARCITY. They are not "globalists"; they are GOEBBELISTS.
Whenever the banking oligarchs want to do a "reset" they always DESTORY with FIRE to BBB: These fires don’t just erase history—they paved the way for a fabricated timeline, conveniently explaining away structures that defy modern explanation.
It was in October 2019 that I came down with a cold that hit my chest and would not release. I tried the usual remedies--chicken soup, tea with lemon, Vitamin C, and rest--but it persisted. During this same time, I noticed two events were transpiring on the same day--the Military War Games and Event 201--and then covid hit the general public.
I noticed the odd manner in which our main stream media handled the outbreak--with great secrecy, ruling out any option but the Wuhan wet market. In truth, if they had not been so adamant, I would not have been led to investigate. But they were, and I did. What I was found was proof covid was made in a lab in North Carolina at UNC-Chapel Hill by two doctors who "engineered a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in chian, and the backbone of one that cuases human-like severe respiratory syndrome [SARS] in mice. The disease could infect human airway cells and cause disease in mich, according to the team's results..." The Scientist went absolutely crazy when I found their article, hidden in reseach they though we would never find. They put out an immediate disclaimer linking covid to the research, but my screenshot proves there was a connection and a strong one at that.
Then, Italian doctors reported cases of "covid toes" which looks exactly like the side effect from a biowarfare weapon. Our main stream media never said a word about "covid toes" despite the suffering of children; in fact our main stream media never said a word about any of the side effects to come, even those that caused instantanous death at podiums, in sports arenas, and within minutes of being jabbed.
As you may recall, Pence met in secret with news stations as Burr was sent back to North Carolina to meet in secret with the Tarheel Circle, a group of hospital CEOs, who got advanced warning the general public did not. North Carolina, not China, made the virus and made the deadly cure at PFIZER in Sanford, NC and DJT knew that all along and yet said: "CHYNA, CHYNA, CHYNA" to distract you from the US-made bioweapon, which leaves them to make even more in the future, doesn't it?
Then the overplay of the number #33 began. Many of you do not know it is a freemason number for their 33 levels of authority. As it turns out DJT is a 33 level Freemason. So, the virus spread in 33 cases, then in 33 cities, then in 33 states, then in 33 countries as if on cue. Freemasonry is Satanic.
- Univ of GA reports 33 cases:
- Green River District reports 33 new COVID-19 cases
- N.J. reports 33 COVID deaths
- Oregon reports 33 more COVID-19 related deaths
- Michigan Reports 33 Deaths Wednesday
- Kern Country Public Health reports 33 new Covid 19 cases
- Massachusetts reports 33 new deaths
- SC reports 33 more deaths
- WACO, Texas – 33 new cases of COVID-19 have been reported
- Clark County records 33 new COVID-19 cases
- Harrison County reports 33 new cases
- Niagara County has 33 new COVID-19 cases
- Skiatook has 33 active cases of COVID-19
- Oregon reports 33 deaths
- Brown County Public Health reported 33 new laboratory-confirmed COVID-19
- 33 new cases of COVID-19 in Plymouth schools
- Summit County Reports 33 New Cases
- 33 new cases of COVID reported in Steuben County
- Chippewa County adds 33 new COVID-19 cases
- Canada reports 33 Covid Cases
- Sweden registers 33 deaths
- Turkey becomes the 33rd county
Fauci, who tested AIDS drugs on helpless orphans in New York City and removed beagles tongues, put their heads in a box and had them eaten alive by sandfleas....was put in charge of saving people from the pandemic. Deborah Birx was there to soften the blow. Why is it men in power always put a woman out front, like human shield? Mordecai, Esther's uncle, did the same to her, forcing her into the spotlight after he caused the rift with Haman.
And thus, we were all told to stand six feet apart to be in a fear mindset, ever thinking of six feet below...and thinking hand sanitizer, masks and dots on the floor could save us. Those in the know, well knew that every time you wiped your bottom, you were touching toxins in their deadly virus and it was entering the sewer system worldwide. That's the reason Joe Biden had someone else wipe his butt.
As panic set in, irrationality doubled too. Four court cases that formed the basis of irformed consent were thrown out the window and lawyers and bioethicists were utterly silent, apparently bound and gagged, for all we heard from them. Mohr v Williams, Pratt v Davis, Rolater v Strain, and Schloendorff v Society of New York Hospital were trampled. There were no right thinking parties; all colluded to force the mandate upon the people from doctors, to nurses, from teachers to employers, from those in Congress to those in the White House...all on the wrong side of history, committing Crimes Against Humanity.
The solutions proposed looked like a "Hail Mary" until you realized the patents were taken out decades earlier with only a few standing to gain, like Fauci, a handful of scientists and drug company executives, doctor, hospitals and insurance companies.
Enter the World Economic Forum's founder Klaus Schwab wagging a book called The Fourth Industrial Revolution, speaking in a villainous German accent. Not once but twice, he was on the cover of Time Magazine in November of 2019, announcing the start of the "Great Reset." He outlined an inevitable move toward transgenderism, transhumanism, new family forms, altered living arrangements, homes made without lumber, food made with bug protein, and depopulation to save the planet from climate change. He appeared like Dracula out of the Transylvanian Hills, costumed with a sidekick very much like RM Renfield, who was willing to help Dracula in exchange for immortality and a constant supply of insects to eat. Like Renfield Harari vascillates between excitement and utter doom, saying things like "What do we need so many people for with AI able to do 90% of the work?"...when asked what humans were to do, he suggested metauniverse headphones, alcohol and drugs to keep people sedate.
The Terrible Great Reset plan has taken 130 years to unfold. Unless you know that, you are still in the red pill, blue pill mindset, thinking your salvation is in picking the right political party. We have a uniparty that has followed Cecil Rhodes begun by gangster bankers. As Cecil stated in 1890: "The only thing feasible to carry this idea out is a secret one [a secret society] gradually absorbing the wealth of the world." Rhodes created The Rhodes Trust, which later became the Round Table Group, and finally became the Council on Foreign Relations [or as I like to call them, the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RUINATION]. In 1891, the Fabian Society was created with the goal to create a godless, classless, communist society. The Fabians worked towards a new world by indoctrinating young scholars who would eventually rise to power in various policy-making positions throughout the world by infiltrating educational institutions, government agencies, and political parties. Their strategy was called the 'doctrine of inevitability of gradualism,' which meant that their goals would be gradually achieved.... The secret was evolution, not revolution. In 1905, The Rand School of Science was created in New York City by the Fabian Society with the goal of de-Christianizing the USA. In 1913, President Woodrow Wilson expressed his concern over this secret movement in his book, The New Freedom: "We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world—no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men....We stand in the presence of a revolution... (which) will come in peaceful guise."
When David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski founded the Trilateral Commission in 1973, the intent was to create a 'New International Economic Order' (NIEO) and the World Economic Forum was set up as a frontman for the Fourth Reich aka "Great Reset" aka BBB to be launched in 2020.
One thing became quite clear mid-2020, and that we were dealing with psychopaths at every level of government. Ruthless psychopaths who had no reverence for babies, teens, pregnant women or adults. Keep in mind our CONGRESS signed bills authorizing the NIH to move forward with with their lung-attacking virus. Our CONGRESS signed bill authorizing the making of DNA altering vaccines, despite the illegality of doing such. Our CONGRESS allowed the NIH to make adrenochrome as a life extension drug. Our CONGRESS must be charged with Crimes Against Humanity, along with those who worked in labs to create it. The dining room at the WEF held a tapestry, which has since been moved, that shows women as breeders and fetuses used for blood; they are vampires, just like Dracula. Trucks rushed about Davos during the last gathering delivering adrenochrome and there is video proof of both and I have it.
The greatest desire of the globalists who attend the WEF is to unite all banks under one system, so their algorithyms are not hampered by pesky exchange rates. Think about it; the same banks that were "too big to fail" and collapsed the world in 2008 want to be even bigger, make money even faster, and create even more risky Ponzi schemes to consolidate wealth in their own hands. To get you onboard THEIR plan, unwittingly pushing for your own demise, they infiltrated the public schools and stopped teaching the basics in favor of a global agenda. They attached to national sovereigty white supremacy and racism, and denigrated our Constitution at every turn, even saying that bodily autonomy was not guaranteed, nor was freedom to think and have one's own opinion. They brought in the thought censors Orwell warned us about and news redacting and rewriting teams worked overtime on MSM stations throughout the USA starting in 2020 and they continue to do so today. If you criticise the WEF on X, you will get suspended by the end of the day.
To this effort Google removed articles in conflict with Big Brother/Klaus Schwab and then told people the data "never existed." But people got wise to their plan and screenshots were taken and videos downloaded as proof of the former information, so they failed to control the narrative in the way they desired [by fiat] by 2021. Using The Open Conpiracy by HG WELLS as their playbook, they resorted to undermining societal foundations, putting drag queens in libraries, demanding sodomy books be visible in schools, hypersexualizing young girls and boys so they would be easier to rape, having women march in support of abortion for the fetuses needed for blood-related longevity drugs, starting fires, and stealing personal property. They worked overtime to create chaos to "build back better" with the banksters in charge of it all. The FBI relentlessly attacked parents who resisted and the CIA infilatrated social media to suspend those who realized the coup starters were their direct bosses.
And now, the originators of this chaos want to absolve themselves with total immunity into perpetuity. In fact, they are giving themselves immunity in advance of being charged by the American people of Crimes Against Humanity. It is more than evident that there are two types of justice, one for those in the 1% and and another for the 99%, and I for one, will not tolerate it. It is the 99% who will choose their fate and I see no reason to keep traitors to the USA and white coat killers on the planet. Build the gangways, hang the nooses. The time of justice for globalists is long over due, by 130 years. The doctors who were out in front, like Peter Hotez of Baylor College of Medicine who said "covid was the warm up act"...Dr. William Schaeffer from Vanderbilt who went on C-Span Washington Journal to downplay the role of side effects and said, ""This virus “is seeking out, honing in on those who are unvaccinated.” Dr. Leana Wen of George Washington University, , a Communist doctor who demanded US citizens lose their rights unless they agreed to be vaccinated against covid... need to be the first three to suffer the consequences of their actions.
The "Father of the Vaccine" with the Goebbelist Jews plans to release additional viruses, creating more lockdowns and death and use DEW to start fires, the CERN to replicate the Big Bang and blow us all to kingdom come, HAARP to start earthquakes, and DARPA AI to install a prison planet called a "smart city" or "freedom city." They are making land grabs across the USA, from farmlands, to coastal property. It will become dog eat dog shortly with everyone fighting for their own life. Do your part to protect your own family. Don't be like those who mocked Noah as he built an ark and then demanded to come onboard in the 11th hour as the flood waters rose. There will be no space for you.
The Bible clearly tells you that self-defense from those intent on harming you is your God-given right.
- Exodus 22:2-3 proves that God allows the defense of one's home against a thief and killing in self-defense is not the same as murder.
- In Luke 11:21, Jesus says: "When a strong man, fully armed guards his own home, his goods are in peace." [Does that sound like a pacifist to you?]
- In Luke 22:36, Jesus instructs his disciples to buy swords. He does not send them out to share the good news to be indiscriminately slaughtered.
- Matthew 12:29 states [like Luke 11:21 above] that a strong man is allowed to protect his private property. "Oh how can someone enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong men."
- Psalm 82:3-4 is even more clear: "Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked."
- A closer reading of the Bible shows that violence is sometimes necessary. God destroys the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah for acts of sodomy.
- We see this in the story of Deborah, who determines the time of war and berates Barak for being a weak military leader.
- We see this in Jael who drives a tent peg into Sisera, a military commander, who enters her tent and tries to rape her; she literally nails his head to the ground.
- We see this in the story of Delilah and a wicked Samson who forgets his vow to God and loses his sight, strength, and his life.
- We see this in the story of Judith who removes Holofernes' head and saves her village from being pillaged, the single women from being raped and made into concubines, and the old women and children from being slaughtered.
- We see this in Dinah's brothers, Simeon and Levi, who waited until her rapist named Schechem was at his weakest moment to strike down an entire village.
The Bible also clearly tells you not to put your faith in politicians, presidents, kings, and priests. Jeremiah 34:35 clearly says: Jeremiah 34:35: "I will put My law in their minds and inscribe it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they will be My people. No longer will each man teach his neighbor or his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ because they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquities and will remember their sins no more.” Thus says the LORD, who gives the sun for light by day, who sets in order the moon and stars for light by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar." When the curtain was ripped as Jesus hung on the cross, this was fulfilled. If you yet seek salvation by ritual bowing and repetitive chanting, or attendance and tithing to a particular "church", you have missed Jesus message which came at great expense.
We are NOT called to be martyrs, nor commit mass suicide [as they did at Masada], nor "tolerate" violence against our person by the wicked ones who call themselves "disrupters" to our face, steal, plunder, commit arson, and kill. Therefore, gird your loins, men, and be the strongman and protector in your own household, as you were designed to be! Do NOT send women and children out before YOU, like human shields, as your ancestors did repeatedly, to save their own skin. Admit, you have utterly FAILED to protect and honor women and children... and that is the #1 reason you were given headship by God.
Do not be surprised when women rise up to save society from wicked men, as they have done many times in the past, earning a BRAVO from God. Here are some recent heroines:
1. Jane Burgermeister whistleblew in 2009 on the WHO for engaging in the creation of biowarfare weapons with the intent to commit mass murder.
2. Dr. Rima Laibow whistleblew about the great culling to come.
3. Dr. Ann Bressington warned us about the Club of Rome's climate change lie.
4. Sue Arrigo whistleblew about the Presidents leading the CIA's six decades of child sex trafficking.
5. Dr. Jane Ruby refused to stand idly by as people died from snake-like blood clots.
6. Dr. Perlingheri whistleblew on the Pentagon's weather modification programs.
7. Students for Life got Planned Parenthood leaders to admit under oath to dissecting babies intact and seeing their hearts yet beating.
The truth is clear; every 225-300 years the Goebbelists do a "reset" and the timeline for the world starts all over again with nobody to contest it, for genocide of the previous civilization is part of each "reset" by fire, plagues/pandemics, and floods. The massive buildings left behind and the silly narratives spun about their construction in one year spill the beans.
rmf_publications_civil_disobedience_for_the_christian_woman.pdf |
the_terrible_great_reset_of_2020.pdf |
The "Esoteric CIA" aka Q, Puppets of the Goebbelists
You have not fooled ALL of us. The name "In-Q-Tel" is an intentional reference to Q, the fictional inventor who supplies technology to James Bond. You are deluded if you think you are in any way in charge of fulfilling Biblical prophecy, from your compound on Jupiter Island.
You have been behind EVERY DISASTER that has occurred worldwide. You have caused wars, deposed legitimate people-chosen leaders, uprooted democratic desires in foreign nations. You made covid. You made the vaccine deadly. You made adrenochrome. You put biolabs in the USA and then moved them to Ukraine and China to hide ongoing Crimes Against Humanity. You have thrown your support into Ukrainian Nazis and a Khazarian Mafia instead of the American people.
It is you who are behind fifteen-minute, "smart cities," where the people are kept in cement high rises or tiny homes, taking "SOMA" or imbibing alcohol, wearing fantasy metauniverse headgear, while extinct animals like the woolly mammoths are brought back to life using CRISPR genomics.
You have not fooled ALL of us. The name "In-Q-Tel" is an intentional reference to Q, the fictional inventor who supplies technology to James Bond. You are deluded if you think you are in any way in charge of fulfilling Biblical prophecy, from your compound on Jupiter Island.
You have been behind EVERY DISASTER that has occurred worldwide. You have caused wars, deposed legitimate people-chosen leaders, uprooted democratic desires in foreign nations. You made covid. You made the vaccine deadly. You made adrenochrome. You put biolabs in the USA and then moved them to Ukraine and China to hide ongoing Crimes Against Humanity. You have thrown your support into Ukrainian Nazis and a Khazarian Mafia instead of the American people.
It is you who are behind fifteen-minute, "smart cities," where the people are kept in cement high rises or tiny homes, taking "SOMA" or imbibing alcohol, wearing fantasy metauniverse headgear, while extinct animals like the woolly mammoths are brought back to life using CRISPR genomics.
The Goebbelists Genocided the Elderly First
Day 2 of the Grand Jury of Public Opinion, Start at 3:03:00 with Whitney Webb's testimony, and it is at 3:32:10 you see elderly people forcibly jabbed and nurses who, like ghouls, carry out the executions.
Day 2 of the Grand Jury of Public Opinion, Start at 3:03:00 with Whitney Webb's testimony, and it is at 3:32:10 you see elderly people forcibly jabbed and nurses who, like ghouls, carry out the executions.
The elderly were forced to die early to hide the THEFT of social security, by the world bankers, states former expert in banking, Leslie Manookian, whistleblower and participant in the Court of Public Opinion, and their plan is to capsize our US dollar and install bitchain. Those that were "too big to fail" in 2008 want to be even bigger, with more control, knowing your every transaction.
Never forgive or forget the fact that NWO, Satanic Freemasons used the #33 in 33 reports about 33 cities, in 33 states, in 33 countries with dancing nurses to MOCK those they were killing off with ventilators. They committed CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY for which there must be no impunity [exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action] or immunity by EO. It's time for white coat killers to be given the death penalty. And, never ever forget DJT is the "Father of the Vaccine" and now wants to connect you to AI to "control your health."
Don't Worship, Emulate or Support Satanic Celebrities
DJT says he is putting these men in charge of restoring a "Golden Age" to cinema. Stallone is a Rosicrucian Freemason and named his Daughter "Rose". Note the Left Eye is covered and Right Eye is exposed. That makes him a York Rite Mason. His father was a Satanic High Priest when not acting in Hollywood. Elon is also a Rosicrucian and this is why he puts roses at end of his tweets. Bruce Willis, John Travolta... Avoid those that cover their eye, as shown below.
DJT says he is putting these men in charge of restoring a "Golden Age" to cinema. Stallone is a Rosicrucian Freemason and named his Daughter "Rose". Note the Left Eye is covered and Right Eye is exposed. That makes him a York Rite Mason. His father was a Satanic High Priest when not acting in Hollywood. Elon is also a Rosicrucian and this is why he puts roses at end of his tweets. Bruce Willis, John Travolta... Avoid those that cover their eye, as shown below.
Two Imminent Dangers:
WEF Meeting at Davos-Klosters, Janary 20-24, 2025 [Global Futures Council]
aka the Devil's Community
and the Jewish-Controlled AI Nightmare called Stargate
WEF Meeting at Davos-Klosters, Janary 20-24, 2025 [Global Futures Council]
aka the Devil's Community
and the Jewish-Controlled AI Nightmare called Stargate