Ephesians 5:11: "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness,
but instead EXPOSE THEM."
Ephesians 5:11: "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness,
but instead EXPOSE THEM."
We need more than a ban on DEI. We need to set the TONE for all policies to come in the USA. We need a Traditional Family Protection Act, for the purpose of Protecting Children from Information Advocating a Denial of Traditional Family Values. We must PROHIBIT the distribution of “propaganda of non-traditional relationships” among any age group. This new act must also prohibit the distribution of materials that promote gender dysphoria among minors. Plus, we need to severely FINE CEO's that continue to use DEI and refuse to obey Trump’s EO, and find the job boards that post their illegal ads.
A caveat to all information posted on this website: Nobody is paying me to express a particular viewpoint. I have no "sponsors" of any kind to whom I am beholden. If you want to make a donation to my work, I will thank you...but that does not mean I owe you anything. I research to find out FACTS our main stream media tries to hide from us. I collate them. I write about them just enough so you know the essentials: who, what, when, where, and why. You too have a job to do while here. It is your job to put your thinking cap on and continue to compare these ideas with others found online. I am NOT here to spoon feed you. If you are an adult, you should be way past demanding pablum. I am not your newest and latest guru either. I have no need to be popular or have "followers." Unlike some, I cannot be persuaded with flattery.
When I find information that is better than what I have posted, I add it. I am not attached to my ideas, nor do I dig in my heels and refuse to budge; I am not "red pilled" or "blue" pilled. I do not follow "white hats" or "black hats." I do not think in either forms of MASONIC duality. I did not vote for either candidate in the last election; neither was worthy of the role! I stay open to better ideas that come along because I want the TRUTH.
I do not follow, nor do I trust, any in MSM, nor the parroting conservative talking heads for DJT: Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Russell Brand, Charlie Kirk, Tim Pool, Juan O'Savin [who thinks RFK, Jr. is returning], Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, and Candace Owens. Where were all of you when the masses were poisoned with the mRNA vaccine? Nowhere to be found. As for Elon Musk... his "free speech platform" defers to its WEF boss, Linda Yaccarino, and he tolerated Asov Nazis on his site while blocking doctors who warned about the WEF and UN depopulation plan. He has deplatformed doctors who tried to warn society and said, "Freedom of Speech is not Freedom of Reach." I trust him not.
I refuse to carry water for EITHER party.
With that said, welcome to my site.
Mrs. Ferreri
When I find information that is better than what I have posted, I add it. I am not attached to my ideas, nor do I dig in my heels and refuse to budge; I am not "red pilled" or "blue" pilled. I do not follow "white hats" or "black hats." I do not think in either forms of MASONIC duality. I did not vote for either candidate in the last election; neither was worthy of the role! I stay open to better ideas that come along because I want the TRUTH.
I do not follow, nor do I trust, any in MSM, nor the parroting conservative talking heads for DJT: Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Russell Brand, Charlie Kirk, Tim Pool, Juan O'Savin [who thinks RFK, Jr. is returning], Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, and Candace Owens. Where were all of you when the masses were poisoned with the mRNA vaccine? Nowhere to be found. As for Elon Musk... his "free speech platform" defers to its WEF boss, Linda Yaccarino, and he tolerated Asov Nazis on his site while blocking doctors who warned about the WEF and UN depopulation plan. He has deplatformed doctors who tried to warn society and said, "Freedom of Speech is not Freedom of Reach." I trust him not.
I refuse to carry water for EITHER party.
With that said, welcome to my site.
Mrs. Ferreri
"This is the White House, that Rats Built"
by Mrs. Ferreri
1. This is the White House,
that RATS built.
2. This is the graft
that fills the White House,
that RATS built.
3. This is AIPAC
who's behind all the graft
that fills the White House,
that RATS built.
4. These are the bankers
who print money from thin air
This is AIPAC
who's behind all the graft
that fills the White House,
that RATS built.
5. These are the wealthy
with estates taxed as "farms"
These are the bankers
who print money from thin air
This is AIPAC
who's behind all the graft
that fills the White House,
that RATS built.
6. This is the public
who toils for pennies
These are the wealthy
with estates taxed as "farms"
These are the bankers
who print money from thin air
This is AIPAC
who's behind all the graft
that fills the White House,
that RATS built.
7. This is our God
who sees MAMMON take top place
This is the public
who toils for pennies
These are the wealthy
with estates taxed as "farms"
These are the bankers
who print money from thin air
This is AIPAC
who's behind all the graft
that fills the White House,
that RATS built.
...and pleased HE is not.
by Mrs. Ferreri
1. This is the White House,
that RATS built.
2. This is the graft
that fills the White House,
that RATS built.
3. This is AIPAC
who's behind all the graft
that fills the White House,
that RATS built.
4. These are the bankers
who print money from thin air
This is AIPAC
who's behind all the graft
that fills the White House,
that RATS built.
5. These are the wealthy
with estates taxed as "farms"
These are the bankers
who print money from thin air
This is AIPAC
who's behind all the graft
that fills the White House,
that RATS built.
6. This is the public
who toils for pennies
These are the wealthy
with estates taxed as "farms"
These are the bankers
who print money from thin air
This is AIPAC
who's behind all the graft
that fills the White House,
that RATS built.
7. This is our God
who sees MAMMON take top place
This is the public
who toils for pennies
These are the wealthy
with estates taxed as "farms"
These are the bankers
who print money from thin air
This is AIPAC
who's behind all the graft
that fills the White House,
that RATS built.
...and pleased HE is not.

this_is_the_white_house.pdf |
Fauci Inserted Aborted Baby Body Parts into Lab Animals
Biden and Harris spent nearly $10 million on creating transgender mice, rats, and monkeys.
Fauci tested AIDS drugs on helpless orphans in NYC.
"The House that AIDS Built"
The Devil's Community by Mrs. Ferreri
Chatbots, AI and Robots replacing humanity in the workforce: CLICK
Chatbots, AI and Robots replacing humanity in the workforce: CLICK
#2: Vaccines are Designed to Give You a "SOFT LOBOTOMY".
Do NOT trust any "scientist" who is building a DIGITAL ID hive with vaccines that are given to you every six months. The same Bill Gates behind the first pandemic has met with DJT at Maralago to conceive of this plan, billing it as a cure for cancer. Do not get any additional "vaccines" and do not get "chipped" to become a cyborg. You will lose your ability to think, your freedom of movement, and your soul. He has told you he is the father of WARp SpEED and gene editing is a war on your SEED aka DNA. Billions stand to have heart problems by 2025 due to the jab due to following “CDC guidelines.”
My Letter to Congress, feel free to use it!
[Be sure to ask your Congressmen/woman WHY the virus targeted particular demographics:]
Do NOT trust any "scientist" who is building a DIGITAL ID hive with vaccines that are given to you every six months. The same Bill Gates behind the first pandemic has met with DJT at Maralago to conceive of this plan, billing it as a cure for cancer. Do not get any additional "vaccines" and do not get "chipped" to become a cyborg. You will lose your ability to think, your freedom of movement, and your soul. He has told you he is the father of WARp SpEED and gene editing is a war on your SEED aka DNA. Billions stand to have heart problems by 2025 due to the jab due to following “CDC guidelines.”
My Letter to Congress, feel free to use it!
[Be sure to ask your Congressmen/woman WHY the virus targeted particular demographics:]
#3: Planned Parenthood is continuing to break the law and cull baby body parts for profit.
#4: Our Congressmen and Women will not even say if they support America First or Israel First. They take ungodly amounts of money from AIPAC and have a divided loyalty.
#5: Past Administrations are ARROGANTLY Demanding Immunity for PAST CRIMES:
There should be ZERO Immunity for ANY of our Past Presidents for CRIMES they have committed, which include but are not limited to: Using DOPPELGANGERS to effect regime change to fool the American people. Child Sex Trafficking, bioweapons like AIDS and COVID, Making of Adrenochrome authorized on their watch and funded by the NIH, Rape and Pedophilia Charges.
They are not above the law due to their vast wealth or position.
1. Reagan:
2. Bush:
3. Clinton:
4. Obama:
5. Biden:
They are not above the law due to their vast wealth or position.
1. Reagan:
2. Bush:
3. Clinton:
4. Obama:
5. Biden:
6.Trump: His arrogance has no end: No, in Trump we do NOT trust.
#6. AIPAC is ruling the ROOST. It is not the promised focus on improving the lives of AMERICANS.
Why did Tom Cotton get $1 MILLION from AIPAC?
Why did Tom Cotton get $1 MILLION from AIPAC?
Listen to an interview with Susan Bradford. She talks about how the Illuminati Rothschild family is using Donald Trump as a Trojan Horse to deceive Patriots. Once recruited, Trump was compromised by debt, introduced to Jeffrey Epstein, and plugged into the national security apparatus. Trump appears to be taking down the so-called "Deep State" while actually helping to fortify it.
The Zionist Plan is Control by Coercion and those who support AIPAC support child sex trafficking too. The red cord uniting the actions of USAID with AIPAC and ZIONIST aims cannot be denied; Epstein and Maxwell's actions were at someone's DIRECTION.... and all who knew Epstein [and that includes Clinton, Obama and Biden, and Trump] were working with the CIA and MOSSAD and the Rothschilds. He's the "little horn"--the trump-ette : And, it is too ridiculous to think that he is going to dismantle the very system that made him extremely rich.
The Zionist Plan is Control by Coercion and those who support AIPAC support child sex trafficking too. The red cord uniting the actions of USAID with AIPAC and ZIONIST aims cannot be denied; Epstein and Maxwell's actions were at someone's DIRECTION.... and all who knew Epstein [and that includes Clinton, Obama and Biden, and Trump] were working with the CIA and MOSSAD and the Rothschilds. He's the "little horn"--the trump-ette : And, it is too ridiculous to think that he is going to dismantle the very system that made him extremely rich.
Third Temple Plans of Zionists at the Expense of Christians and Palestinians:
Zionists have it all figured out–Palestinians will be CONSCRIPTED to build the Third Temple and Christians and atheists will PAY FOR IT…but it is Jesus who has the final word on whether that will happen, and he did not allow the last Temple to be turned into an amusement park and I don’t think he will allow the Holy Land to become a new religious theme park with high-priced hotels. In fact, I can sense Jesus is braiding whips yet again and feels the same about empty buildings in the Saudi Arabian desert and the “new religion” planned called “CHRISLAM” as the Carnivale/new religious theme park/Third Temple planned for Israel.
- The TEMPLE INSTITUTE was built for American TOURISTS only. The Third Temple is a money-maker for Zionist Jews; they could build it eight times over with the cash they currently have on hand, says this guest who is a rabbi and lives in Israel. Zionists beg for money from AMERICANS only... A majority of Jews do not even want the Temple, nor would they engage in the slaughter of animals again. And Christians surely should not want it, for it hastens Armageddon!
Shock and Awe Planned by Zionists & ESTOTERIC CIA: REPLICA of the ARK of the COVENANT In all likelihood, the replica will have DEW weaponry inside or some DARPA-HAARP ability to make clouds. Planners say: “It should be the weapon that walks in front of the army...We truly believe that it should be both a weapon and inspirational too.” In all likelihood, the replica will have DEW weaponry inside or some DARPA-HAARP ability to make clouds. Planners say: “It should be the weapon that walks in front of the army...We truly believe that it should be both a weapon and inspirational too.”
#7. We must FINGER POINT the Source of all Ills--the World Bankers
We are dealing with a small group of psychopaths in banking who want a one-world government, so they can consolidate assets with the same algorithyms they used to bring about the 2008 economic collapse. They are in charge of weaponry that causes wildfires, floods, earthquakes and nuclear war. They favor a worldview where an army of robots do all of the needed work without human beings who need to eat, sleep, and be housed. The only thing standing in their way of claiming eminent domain over all cities in the USA is YOUR BELIEF in private property: Land Grabs to Consolidate Assets= the World Banker Plan
We are dealing with a small group of psychopaths in banking who want a one-world government, so they can consolidate assets with the same algorithyms they used to bring about the 2008 economic collapse. They are in charge of weaponry that causes wildfires, floods, earthquakes and nuclear war. They favor a worldview where an army of robots do all of the needed work without human beings who need to eat, sleep, and be housed. The only thing standing in their way of claiming eminent domain over all cities in the USA is YOUR BELIEF in private property: Land Grabs to Consolidate Assets= the World Banker Plan
Whenever the banking oligarchs want to do a "reset" they DESTORY with FIRE or a FLOOD. These catastrophies don’t just erase history—they pave the way for a fabricated timeline, conveniently explaining away structures that defy modern explanation.
#8. More PLAN-DEMICS in the WORKS by the World Economic Forum:
It was in October 2019 that I came down with a cold that hit my chest and would not release. I tried the usual remedies--chicken soup, tea with lemon, Vitamin C, and rest--but it persisted. During this same time, I noticed two events were transpiring on the same day--the Military War Games and Event 201--and then covid hit the general public.
I noticed the odd manner in which our main stream media handled the outbreak--with great secrecy, ruling out any option but the Wuhan wet market. In truth, if they had not been so adamant, I would not have been led to investigate. But they were, and I did. What I was found was proof covid was made in a lab in North Carolina at UNC-Chapel Hill by two doctors who "engineered a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in chian, and the backbone of one that causes human-like severe respiratory syndrome [SARS] in mice.
The disease could infect human airway cells and cause disease in mich, according to the team's results..." The Scientist went absolutely crazy when I found their article, hidden in reseach they thought we would never find. They put out an immediate disclaimer linking covid to the research, but my original screenshot of their article proves there was a connection and a strong one at that.
Then, Italian doctors reported cases of "covid toes" which looks exactly like the side effect from a nuclear attack. Our main stream media never said a word about "covid toes" despite the suffering of children; in fact our main stream media never said a word about any of the side effects to come, even those that caused instantanous death at podiums, in sports arenas, and within minutes of being jabbed.
Pence met in secret with news stations as Burr was sent back to North Carolina to meet in secret with the Tarheel Circle, a group of hospital CEOs, who got advanced warning the general public did not. North Carolina, not China, made the virus and made the deadly cure at PFIZER in Sanford, NC.
DJT knew that all along and yet said: "CHYNA, CHYNA, CHYNA" to distract you from the US-made bioweapon, which leaves them to make even more in the future, doesn't it?
#9. The Freemasons keep taunting us with the use of the #33, #44 and #666.
2020 is when the number #33 appeared with alarming frequency, and it has not ended, as you can see with the release of exactly THIRTY-THREE hostages. Many of you do not know it is a Freemason number, standing for 33 levels of authority. DJT is a 33 level Freemason. The virus spread in 33 cases, then in 33 cities, then in 33 states, then in 33 countries to honor their god of destruction, Lucifer.
#10. They want you DEFENSELESS to their criminal intent, so BUY GUNS, PLURAL. This WWII Survivor says: Do not give up your ability to PROTECT yourself.
- Univ of GA reports 33 cases:
- Green River District reports 33 new COVID-19 cases
- N.J. reports 33 COVID deaths
- Oregon reports 33 more COVID-19 related deaths
- Michigan Reports 33 Deaths Wednesday
- Kern Country Public Health reports 33 new Covid 19 cases
- Massachusetts reports 33 new deaths
- SC reports 33 more deaths
- WACO, Texas – 33 new cases of COVID-19 have been reported
- Clark County records 33 new COVID-19 cases
- Harrison County reports 33 new cases
- Niagara County has 33 new COVID-19 cases
- Skiatook has 33 active cases of COVID-19
- Oregon reports 33 deaths
- Brown County Public Health reported 33 new laboratory-confirmed COVID-19
- 33 new cases of COVID-19 in Plymouth schools
- Summit County Reports 33 New Cases
- 33 new cases of COVID reported in Steuben County
- Chippewa County adds 33 new COVID-19 cases
- Canada reports 33 Covid Cases
- Sweden registers 33 deaths
- Turkey becomes the 33rd county
#10. They want you DEFENSELESS to their criminal intent, so BUY GUNS, PLURAL. This WWII Survivor says: Do not give up your ability to PROTECT yourself.
We are NOT called to be martyrs, nor commit mass suicide [as they did at Masada], nor "tolerate" violence against our person by the wicked ones who call themselves "disrupters" to our face, steal, plunder, commit arson, and kill.
- Exodus 22:2-3 proves that God allows the defense of one's home against a thief and killing in self-defense is not the same as murder.
- In Luke 11:21, Jesus says: "When a strong man, fully armed guards his own home, his goods are in peace." [Does that sound like a pacifist to you?]
- In Luke 22:36, Jesus instructs his disciples to buy swords. He does not send them out to share the good news to be indiscriminately slaughtered.
- Matthew 12:29 states [like Luke 11:21 above] that a strong man is allowed to protect his private property. "Oh how can someone enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong men."
- Psalm 82:3-4 is even more clear: "Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked."
- A closer reading of the Bible shows that violence is sometimes necessary. God destroys the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah for acts of sodomy.
- We see this in the story of Deborah, who determines the time of war and berates Barak for being a weak military leader.
- We see this in Jael who drives a tent peg into Sisera, a military commander, who enters her tent and tries to rape her; she literally nails his head to the ground.
- We see this in the story of Delilah and a wicked Samson who forgets his vow to God and loses his sight, strength, and his life.
- We see this in the story of Judith who removes Holofernes' head and saves her village from being pillaged, the single women from being raped and made into concubines, and the old women and children from being slaughtered.
- We see this in Dinah's brothers, Simeon and Levi, who waited until her rapist named Schechem was at his weakest moment to strike down an entire village.
# 11. Avoid Satanists in CHRISTIAN Mega-Churches too!
The Bible tells you NOT to put your faith in politicians, presidents, kings, priests or ministers. God is supposed to be in your heart. Jesus ripped the curtain separating the holy of holies for all time...and you are supposed to go to GOD DIRECTLY in prayer, in private. If temples were to built, Jesus would not have torn the last one down, in disgust. You are not to kill animals, nor sacrifice your babies to God by abortion. The call to murder your firstborn or pay a fee to "redeem him/her" is ungodly.
Genesis 9:5. And for your lifeblood I will require a reckoning: from every beast I will require it and from man. From his fellow man. I will require a reckoning for the life of man.
Matthew 6:6
And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their full reward. But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. When you pray, do not babble on like pagans, for they think that by their many words they will be heard.…
Jeremiah 34:35
"I will put My law in their minds and inscribe it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they will be My people. No longer will each man teach his neighbor or his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ because they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquities and will remember their sins no more.” Thus says the LORD, who gives the sun for light by day, who sets in order the moon and stars for light by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar."
The Bible tells you NOT to put your faith in politicians, presidents, kings, priests or ministers. God is supposed to be in your heart. Jesus ripped the curtain separating the holy of holies for all time...and you are supposed to go to GOD DIRECTLY in prayer, in private. If temples were to built, Jesus would not have torn the last one down, in disgust. You are not to kill animals, nor sacrifice your babies to God by abortion. The call to murder your firstborn or pay a fee to "redeem him/her" is ungodly.
Genesis 9:5. And for your lifeblood I will require a reckoning: from every beast I will require it and from man. From his fellow man. I will require a reckoning for the life of man.
Matthew 6:6
And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their full reward. But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. When you pray, do not babble on like pagans, for they think that by their many words they will be heard.…
Jeremiah 34:35
"I will put My law in their minds and inscribe it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they will be My people. No longer will each man teach his neighbor or his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ because they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquities and will remember their sins no more.” Thus says the LORD, who gives the sun for light by day, who sets in order the moon and stars for light by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar."
#12. The CIA must be held accountable for DECADES of War Crimes, Child Sex Trafficking, Making of Adrenochrome, Release of Covid, Wars for the Goebbelists they REPRESENT.
The name "In-Q-Tel" is an intentional reference to Q, the fictional inventor who supplies technology to James Bond. You are deluded if you think you are in any way in charge of fulfilling Biblical prophecy, from your compound on Jupiter Island.
They are behind fifteen-minute, "smart cities," where the people are kept in cement high rises or tiny homes, taking "SOMA" or imbibing alcohol, wearing fantasy metauniverse headgear, while extinct animals like the woolly mammoths are brought back to life using CRISPR
The name "In-Q-Tel" is an intentional reference to Q, the fictional inventor who supplies technology to James Bond. You are deluded if you think you are in any way in charge of fulfilling Biblical prophecy, from your compound on Jupiter Island.
They are behind fifteen-minute, "smart cities," where the people are kept in cement high rises or tiny homes, taking "SOMA" or imbibing alcohol, wearing fantasy metauniverse headgear, while extinct animals like the woolly mammoths are brought back to life using CRISPR
Faked Assassination by Esoteric CIA to "fulfill prophecy"...
Beware of those that SHIELD one eye, make the Hook and Horns, Make the Eye of Molech Symbol, or place their hands in a downward or upward "V" shape.
#13. We need a Nuremburg 2.0 for the CDC, NIH, WHO, WEF, Obama, Biden, and DJT:
Day 2 of the Grand Jury of Public Opinion, Start at 3:03:00 with Whitney Webb's testimony, and it is at 3:32:10 you see elderly people forcibly jabbed and nurses who, like ghouls, carry out the executions.
Day 2 of the Grand Jury of Public Opinion, Start at 3:03:00 with Whitney Webb's testimony, and it is at 3:32:10 you see elderly people forcibly jabbed and nurses who, like ghouls, carry out the executions.
The elderly were forced to die early to hide the THEFT of social security, by the world bankers, states former expert in banking, Leslie Manookian, whistleblower and participant in the Court of Public Opinion, and their plan is to capsize our US dollar and install bitchain. Those that were "too big to fail" in 2008 want to be even bigger, with more control, knowing your every transaction.
My Books, Free To Download, May Save Your Life

the_terrible_great_reset_of_2020.pdf |

rmf_publications_civil_disobedience_for_the_christian_woman.pdf |
Summary of Strong Women of the Bible:
There is no reasonable justification for elevating the stories of male leaders and willfully omitting, redacting and outright burying those about women. You will have to forgive my pointing out these facts, but Old Testament male leaders often fell far short of leading exemplary lives! Abraham subjected Sarai to potential adultery not once, but twice; Jacob sent his wives and children out in front as a human shield when he visited Esau. Moses completely forgot the holy commandment to circumcise the son he fathered with Zipporah. Aaron allowed the Hebrews to make a golden calf to worship while Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the commandments for daily life; Joseph forced the masses into slavery by absorbing their land and property during a seven-year famine; Samson repeatedly broke his Nazirite vow; Saul was ultimately rejected by YHVH. David committed adultery with Bathsheba and sent her husband to the front lines of battle to be killed. Solomon collected thousands of wives; God told Job to brace himself [i.e. man up].
The men of the New Testament, unfortunately, do not fare better. Peter denied Jesus three times; Thomas doubted until he put his hands in Jesus’ side; the sons of Zebedee jockeyed for seats of honor; Judas betrayed his leader with a kiss meant for friendship; none of the men stayed awake in the Garden of Gethsemane, as requested. No men stood at the foot of the cross and suffered with Jesus. The male disciples were constantly rebuked for lack of faith, lack of understanding, and lack of courage.
Keep in mind the OT would be a short 65 page NOVELLA, if Puah and Shiprah had not defied a Pharoah's orders to destroy all Hebrew male children.
There is no reasonable justification for elevating the stories of male leaders and willfully omitting, redacting and outright burying those about women. You will have to forgive my pointing out these facts, but Old Testament male leaders often fell far short of leading exemplary lives! Abraham subjected Sarai to potential adultery not once, but twice; Jacob sent his wives and children out in front as a human shield when he visited Esau. Moses completely forgot the holy commandment to circumcise the son he fathered with Zipporah. Aaron allowed the Hebrews to make a golden calf to worship while Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the commandments for daily life; Joseph forced the masses into slavery by absorbing their land and property during a seven-year famine; Samson repeatedly broke his Nazirite vow; Saul was ultimately rejected by YHVH. David committed adultery with Bathsheba and sent her husband to the front lines of battle to be killed. Solomon collected thousands of wives; God told Job to brace himself [i.e. man up].
The men of the New Testament, unfortunately, do not fare better. Peter denied Jesus three times; Thomas doubted until he put his hands in Jesus’ side; the sons of Zebedee jockeyed for seats of honor; Judas betrayed his leader with a kiss meant for friendship; none of the men stayed awake in the Garden of Gethsemane, as requested. No men stood at the foot of the cross and suffered with Jesus. The male disciples were constantly rebuked for lack of faith, lack of understanding, and lack of courage.
Keep in mind the OT would be a short 65 page NOVELLA, if Puah and Shiprah had not defied a Pharoah's orders to destroy all Hebrew male children.

women_who_won_gods_favor.pdf |
My God does not demand blood sacrifices from human beings, nor animals slaughtered on a slab with blood rubbed all over the horns embedded at its corners. My God does not demand animals be burned to create an aroma pleasing to God. My God stopped Abraham from killing Isaac and detests the abuse and murder of children. My God does not lead a death cult that encourages suicide as proof of love for him. My God does not advocate for redemption through acts of SIN. My God tore down the temple and said he was going to be placed in your heart with no physical location, vessel or building on the planet that could contain him.