In every way, our music and movies have tried to prepare the world for the coming of the anti-Christ.What you took for entertainment, was prophecy by the Luciferian, Satanic Cabal. I still cannot figure out why anyone would spend money to see this type of filth at the movies or allow their teen to listen to the music of Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Lady Gaga, and more.
My website is dedicated to the memory of all of the men, women and children who were struck down in the prime of life by a man-made biowarfare weapon called covid and its equally terrible mRNA vaccine. May justice be served upon those in the NWO who deliberately set out to diminish the population of our planet and cause irreparable harm. I whistleblew to save you from 2019-2024. May our NUREMBERG 2.0 go all the way up the chain of command to the CONGRESS who funded it, the PRESIDENT who made it and playacted its release at EVENT 201 [OBAMA] and the PRESIDENT who released it [TRUMP's CIA in WUHAN, during the Military War Games], the DEADLY DOCTORS who injected it, and the NURSES who danced in choreography down the hall with dead bodies wrapped in sheets.